
In: Computer Science

Two sorted lists have been created, one implemented using a linked list (LinkedListLibrary linkedListLibrary) and the...

Two sorted lists have been created, one implemented using a linked list (LinkedListLibrary linkedListLibrary) and the other implemented using the built-in Vector class (VectorLibrary vectorLibrary). Each list contains 100 books (title, ISBN number, author), sorted in ascending order by ISBN number.

Complete main() by inserting a new book into each list using the respective LinkedListLibrary and VectorLibrary InsertSorted() methods and outputting the number of operations the computer must perform to insert the new book. Each InsertSorted() returns the number of operations the computer performs.

Ex: If the input is:

The Catcher in the Rye
J.D. Salinger

the output is:

Number of linked list operations: 1
Number of vector operations: 1


The given code that i must use is:



#include "LinkedListLibrary.h"
#include "VectorLibrary.h"
#include "BookNode.h"
#include "Book.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

void FillLibraries(LinkedListLibrary &linkedListLibrary, VectorLibrary &vectorLibrary) {
ifstream inputFS; // File input stream
int linkedListOperations = 0;
int vectorOperations = 0;

BookNode* currNode;
Book tempBook;

string bookTitle;
string bookAuthor;
long bookISBN;

// Try to open file"books.txt");

while(getline(inputFS, bookTitle)) {
inputFS >> bookISBN;
inputFS.ignore(1, '\n');
getline(inputFS, bookAuthor);

// Insert into linked list
currNode = new BookNode(bookTitle, bookAuthor, bookISBN);
linkedListOperations = linkedListLibrary.InsertSorted(currNode, linkedListOperations);
linkedListLibrary.lastNode = currNode;

// Insert into vector
tempBook = Book(bookTitle, bookAuthor, bookISBN);
vectorOperations = vectorLibrary.InsertSorted(tempBook, vectorOperations);

inputFS.close(); // close() may throw ios_base::failure if fails

int main (int argc, const char* argv[]) {
int linkedListOperations = 0;
int vectorOperations = 0;

// Create libraries
LinkedListLibrary linkedListLibrary = LinkedListLibrary();
VectorLibrary vectorLibrary;

// Fill libraries with 100 books
FillLibraries(linkedListLibrary, vectorLibrary);

// Create new book to insert into libraries
BookNode* currNode;
Book tempBook;

string bookTitle;
string bookAuthor;
long bookISBN;

getline(cin, bookTitle);
cin >> bookISBN;
getline(cin, bookAuthor);

// Insert into linked list
// No need to delete currNode, deleted by LinkedListLibrary destructor
currNode = new BookNode(bookTitle, bookAuthor, bookISBN);
// TODO: Call LL_Library's InsertSorted() method to insert currNode and return
// the number of operations performed

linkedListLibrary.lastNode = currNode;

// Insert into VectorList
tempBook = Book(bookTitle, bookAuthor, bookISBN);
// TODO: Call VectorLibrary's InsertSorted() method to insert currNode and return
// the number of operations performed

// TODO: Print number of operations for linked list

// TODO: Print number of operations for vector





#include "BookNode.h"
using namespace std;

class LinkedListLibrary {
//Linked list nodes
BookNode* headNode;
BookNode* lastNode;



int InsertSorted(BookNode* newNode, int counter);

void PrintLibrary() const;




#include "LinkedListLibrary.h"
#include <iostream>

LinkedListLibrary::LinkedListLibrary() {
// Front of nodes list
headNode = nullptr;
lastNode = nullptr;

LinkedListLibrary::~LinkedListLibrary() {
while(headNode != nullptr) {
BookNode* tempNode = headNode->GetNext();
delete headNode;
headNode = tempNode;

int LinkedListLibrary::InsertSorted(BookNode* newNode, int counter) {
BookNode* currNode, nextNode;

// Special case for head node
if (headNode == nullptr || headNode->GetBookISBN() >= newNode->GetBookISBN()) {
headNode = newNode;
else {
// Locate the node before insertion point
currNode = headNode;

while (currNode->GetNext() && currNode->GetNext()->GetBookISBN() < newNode->GetBookISBN()) {
currNode = currNode->GetNext();

return counter;

void LinkedListLibrary::PrintLibrary() const {
BookNode* currNode;

currNode = headNode->GetNext();
while (currNode != nullptr) {
cout << endl;
currNode = currNode->GetNext();



#include "LinkedListLibrary.h"
#include <iostream>

LinkedListLibrary::LinkedListLibrary() {
// Front of nodes list
headNode = nullptr;
lastNode = nullptr;

LinkedListLibrary::~LinkedListLibrary() {
while(headNode != nullptr) {
BookNode* tempNode = headNode->GetNext();
delete headNode;
headNode = tempNode;

int LinkedListLibrary::InsertSorted(BookNode* newNode, int counter) {
BookNode* currNode, nextNode;

// Special case for head node
if (headNode == nullptr || headNode->GetBookISBN() >= newNode->GetBookISBN()) {
headNode = newNode;
else {
// Locate the node before insertion point
currNode = headNode;

while (currNode->GetNext() && currNode->GetNext()->GetBookISBN() < newNode->GetBookISBN()) {
currNode = currNode->GetNext();

return counter;

void LinkedListLibrary::PrintLibrary() const {
BookNode* currNode;

currNode = headNode->GetNext();
while (currNode != nullptr) {
cout << endl;
currNode = currNode->GetNext();



#include "VectorLibrary.h"
#include <iostream>

VectorLibrary::VectorLibrary() {
vector<Book> library;

int VectorLibrary::InsertSorted(const Book &newBook, int counter) {
Book currBook;

// Add an empty element at end of list
Book emptyBook;

// Loop through elements starting at the end
for (int i = library.size() - 2; i >=0; --i) {
currBook =;

// If the current book's ISBN is larger than newBook's ISBN, shift
// the current book down 1, count shift operation
if(currBook.GetBookISBN() > newBook.GetBookISBN()){ + 1) = currBook;

// Otherwise, place newBook at the next location (empty slot),
// count insert operation
else { + 1) = newBook;
return counter;

// If we get to the top of the list, place newBook on top = newBook;
return counter;

void VectorLibrary::PrintLibrary() const {
for (size_t i = 0; i < library.size(); ++i) {;
cout << endl;




#include <string>
using namespace std;

class BookNode {

// Constructor
BookNode(string bookTitleInit, string bookAuthorInit, long bookISBNInit);

// Constructor
BookNode(string bookTitleInit, string bookAuthorInit, long bookISBNInit, BookNode* nextLoc);

// inserAfter
void insertAfter(BookNode* nodeLoc);
void SetNext(BookNode* nodeLoc);

// Get location pointed by nextNodePtr
BookNode* GetNext() const;

long GetBookISBN() const;

// Print book information
void PrintBookInfo() const;

string bookTitle;
string bookAuthor;
long bookISBN;
BookNode* nextNodePtr; // Reference to the next node



#include "BookNode.h"
#include <iostream>

BookNode::BookNode() {
bookTitle = "";
bookAuthor = "";
bookISBN = 0;
nextNodePtr = nullptr;

// Constructor
BookNode::BookNode(string bookTitleInit, string bookAuthorInit, long bookISBNInit) {
bookTitle = bookTitleInit;
bookAuthor = bookAuthorInit;
bookISBN = bookISBNInit;
nextNodePtr = nullptr;

// Constructor
BookNode::BookNode(string bookTitleInit, string bookAuthorInit, long bookISBNInit, BookNode* nextLoc) {
bookTitle = bookTitleInit;
bookAuthor = bookAuthorInit;
bookISBN = bookISBNInit;
nextNodePtr = nextLoc;
// insertAfter
void BookNode::insertAfter(BookNode* nodeLoc){
BookNode* tmpNext;

tmpNext = nextNodePtr;
nextNodePtr = nodeLoc;
nodeLoc->nextNodePtr = tmpNext;

// setNext
void BookNode::SetNext(BookNode* nodeLoc) {
nextNodePtr = nodeLoc;

// Get location pointed by nextNodePtr
BookNode* BookNode::GetNext() const{
return nextNodePtr;

long BookNode::GetBookISBN() const{
return bookISBN;

// Print book information
void BookNode::PrintBookInfo() const{
cout << "Title: " << bookTitle << endl;
cout << "Author: " << bookAuthor << endl;
cout << "ISBN: " << bookISBN << endl;



#ifndef BOOKH
#define BOOKH

#include <string>
using namespace std;

class Book{

Book(string userBookTitle, string userBookAuthor, long userBookISBN);

long GetBookISBN() const;

void PrintInfo() const;

string bookTitle;
string bookAuthor;
long bookISBN;




#include "Book.h"
#include <iostream>

Book::Book() {
bookTitle = "";
bookAuthor = "";
bookISBN = 0;

Book::Book(string userBookTitle, string userBookAuthor, long userBookISBN) {
bookTitle = userBookTitle;
bookAuthor = userBookAuthor;
bookISBN = userBookISBN;

long Book::GetBookISBN() const{
return bookISBN;

void Book::PrintInfo() const{
cout << "Title: " << bookTitle << endl;
cout << "Author: " << bookAuthor << endl;
cout << "ISBN: " << bookISBN << endl;


Expert Solution


Code Screenshots:

Sample Input File (“books.txtâ€):

The Latcher in the Rye


P.D. Slinger

The Hatcher in the Rye


F.D. Langer

The Batcher in the Rye


T.D. Ginger

The Pitcher in the Rye


M.D. Ringer

The Patcher in the Rye



Sample Output:

Code to Copy:


#include "LinkedListLibrary.h"

#include "VectorLibrary.h"

#include "BookNode.h"

#include "Book.h"

#include <fstream>

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

void FillLibraries(LinkedListLibrary &linkedListLibrary, VectorLibrary &vectorLibrary) {

ifstream inputFS; // File input stream

int linkedListOperations = 0;

int vectorOperations = 0;

BookNode* currNode;

Book tempBook;

string bookTitle;

string bookAuthor;

long bookISBN;

// Try to open file"books.txt");

while(getline(inputFS, bookTitle)) {

inputFS >> bookISBN;

inputFS.ignore(1, '\n');

getline(inputFS, bookAuthor);

// Insert into linked list

currNode = new BookNode(bookTitle, bookAuthor, bookISBN);

linkedListOperations = linkedListLibrary.InsertSorted(currNode, linkedListOperations);

linkedListLibrary.lastNode = currNode;

// Insert into vector

tempBook = Book(bookTitle, bookAuthor, bookISBN);

vectorOperations = vectorLibrary.InsertSorted(tempBook, vectorOperations);


inputFS.close(); // close() may throw ios_base::failure if fails


int main (int argc, const char* argv[]) {

int linkedListOperations = 0;

int vectorOperations = 0;

// Create libraries

LinkedListLibrary linkedListLibrary = LinkedListLibrary();

VectorLibrary vectorLibrary;

// Fill libraries with 100 books

FillLibraries(linkedListLibrary, vectorLibrary);

// Create new book to insert into libraries

BookNode* currNode;

Book tempBook;

string bookTitle;

string bookAuthor;

long bookISBN;

getline(cin, bookTitle);

cin >> bookISBN;


getline(cin, bookAuthor);

// Insert into linked list

// No need to delete currNode, deleted by LinkedListLibrary destructor

currNode = new BookNode(bookTitle, bookAuthor, bookISBN);

// TODO: Call LL_Library's InsertSorted() method to insert currNode and return

// the number of operations performed

linkedListOperations = linkedListLibrary.InsertSorted(currNode, linkedListOperations);

linkedListLibrary.lastNode = currNode;

// Insert into VectorList

tempBook = Book(bookTitle, bookAuthor, bookISBN);

// TODO: Call VectorLibrary's InsertSorted() method to insert currNode and return

// the number of operations performed

vectorOperations = vectorLibrary.InsertSorted(tempBook, vectorOperations);

// TODO: Print number of operations for linked list

cout <<"Number of linked list operations: "

<< linkedListOperations << endl;

// TODO: Print number of operations for vector

cout <<"Number of vector operations: "

<< vectorOperations << endl;



#ifndef BOOKH

#define BOOKH

#include <string>

using namespace std;

class Book{



Book(string userBookTitle, string userBookAuthor, long userBookISBN);

long GetBookISBN() const;

void PrintInfo() const;


string bookTitle;

string bookAuthor;

long bookISBN;




#include "Book.h"

#include <iostream>

Book::Book() {

bookTitle = "";

bookAuthor = "";

bookISBN = 0;


Book::Book(string userBookTitle, string userBookAuthor, long userBookISBN) {

bookTitle = userBookTitle;

bookAuthor = userBookAuthor;

bookISBN = userBookISBN;


long Book::GetBookISBN() const{

return bookISBN;


void Book::PrintInfo() const{

cout << "Title: " << bookTitle << endl;

cout << "Author: " << bookAuthor << endl;

cout << "ISBN: " << bookISBN << endl;





#include <string>

using namespace std;

class BookNode {



// Constructor

BookNode(string bookTitleInit, string bookAuthorInit, long bookISBNInit);

// Constructor

BookNode(string bookTitleInit, string bookAuthorInit, long bookISBNInit, BookNode* nextLoc);

// inserAfter

void insertAfter(BookNode* nodeLoc);


void SetNext(BookNode* nodeLoc);

// Get location pointed by nextNodePtr

BookNode* GetNext() const;

long GetBookISBN() const;

// Print book information

void PrintBookInfo() const;


string bookTitle;

string bookAuthor;

long bookISBN;

BookNode* nextNodePtr; // Reference to the next node




#include "BookNode.h"

#include <iostream>

BookNode::BookNode() {

bookTitle = "";

bookAuthor = "";

bookISBN = 0;

nextNodePtr = nullptr;


// Constructor

BookNode::BookNode(string bookTitleInit, string bookAuthorInit, long bookISBNInit) {

bookTitle = bookTitleInit;

bookAuthor = bookAuthorInit;

bookISBN = bookISBNInit;

nextNodePtr = nullptr;


// Constructor

BookNode::BookNode(string bookTitleInit, string bookAuthorInit, long bookISBNInit, BookNode* nextLoc) {

bookTitle = bookTitleInit;

bookAuthor = bookAuthorInit;

bookISBN = bookISBNInit;

nextNodePtr = nextLoc;


// insertAfter

void BookNode::insertAfter(BookNode* nodeLoc){

BookNode* tmpNext;

tmpNext = nextNodePtr;

nextNodePtr = nodeLoc;

nodeLoc->nextNodePtr = tmpNext;


// setNext

void BookNode::SetNext(BookNode* nodeLoc) {

nextNodePtr = nodeLoc;


// Get location pointed by nextNodePtr

BookNode* BookNode::GetNext() const{

return nextNodePtr;


long BookNode::GetBookISBN() const{

return bookISBN;


// Print book information

void BookNode::PrintBookInfo() const{

cout << "Title: " << bookTitle << endl;

cout << "Author: " << bookAuthor << endl;

cout << "ISBN: " << bookISBN << endl;





#include "BookNode.h"

using namespace std;

class LinkedListLibrary {


//Linked list nodes

BookNode* headNode;

BookNode* lastNode;



int InsertSorted(BookNode* newNode, int counter);

void PrintLibrary() const;




#include "LinkedListLibrary.h"

#include <iostream>

LinkedListLibrary::LinkedListLibrary() {

// Front of nodes list

headNode = nullptr;

lastNode = nullptr;


LinkedListLibrary::~LinkedListLibrary() {

while(headNode != nullptr) {

BookNode* tempNode = headNode->GetNext();

delete headNode;

headNode = tempNode;



int LinkedListLibrary::InsertSorted(BookNode* newNode, int counter) {

BookNode* currNode, nextNode;

// Special case for head node

if (headNode == nullptr || headNode->GetBookISBN() >= newNode->GetBookISBN()) {


headNode = newNode;


else {

// Locate the node before insertion point

currNode = headNode;

while (currNode->GetNext() && currNode->GetNext()->GetBookISBN() < newNode->GetBookISBN()) {

currNode = currNode->GetNext();





return counter;


void LinkedListLibrary::PrintLibrary() const {

BookNode* currNode;

currNode = headNode->GetNext();

while (currNode != nullptr) {


cout << endl;

currNode = currNode->GetNext();






#include "Book.h"

#include <vector>

using namespace std;

class VectorLibrary {



int InsertSorted(const Book &newBook, int counter);

void PrintLibrary() const;


// vector library

vector<Book> library;




#include "VectorLibrary.h"

#include <iostream>

VectorLibrary::VectorLibrary() {

vector<Book> library;


int VectorLibrary::InsertSorted(const Book &newBook, int counter) {

Book currBook;

// Add an empty element at end of list

Book emptyBook;


// Loop through elements starting at the end

for (int i = library.size() - 2; i >=0; --i) {

currBook =;

// If the current book's ISBN is larger than newBook's ISBN, shift

// the current book down 1, count shift operation

if(currBook.GetBookISBN() > newBook.GetBookISBN()){ + 1) = currBook;



// Otherwise, place newBook at the next location (empty slot),

// count insert operation

else { + 1) = newBook;


return counter;



// If we get to the top of the list, place newBook on top = newBook;


return counter;


void VectorLibrary::PrintLibrary() const {

for (size_t i = 0; i < library.size(); ++i) {;

cout << endl;




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