In: Operations Management
1. Identify an organization (SABIC SAUDI COMPANY) (manufacturing/service).
2. What does it manufacture (or what kind of service it provides)?
3. What is its production (or service) capacity and what it does to manage its lean systems?
SABIC Healthcare:
Saudi Arabia basic Industry Association (SABIC) is a group of industries serving the country across various domains. It is present in various segments/industries like building and construction, healthcare, agriculture, automotive, consumer, electronics etc.
Let's pick up SABIC Healthcare and work it out:
SABIC healthcare segment manufactures a whole range of medical and healthcare-related products. It continuously innovates pharmaceuticals, new materials and medical processing techniques. SABIC healthcare works across:
The surgical segment manufactures surgical devices and a variety of medical trays like those of dental, microscopy, waste trays etc. along with device handles and accessories.
The pharmaceutical segment works on pharmaceutical manufacturing, packaging and drug delivery
The patient testing segment covers various applications flasks, vials, equipments like the CT and MRI scanners. The segment covers laboratory and diagnostics and imaging techniques both.
The fluid and blood handling segment deals with developing applications to handle fluids like blood, buffer solutions etc. It includes devising medical fluid delivery and renal and blood handling sections.
Another segment is sleep and respiratory therapy segment which deals with developing applications to treat sleep disorders and respiratory diseases.
A very critical segment of SABIC healthcare deals with medical facility infrastructure. This is the basic requirement for any medical facility. Beds, stretchers, wheelchairs, hospital chairs, wall cladding etc.
What SABIC Healthcare does to manage its lean systems and gives it an edge are:
The company has a wholistic figure to quote on annual sales, EBIDTA but not furnished it as segment-wise. Therefore commenting on production capacity exclusively for healthcare is not possible. However the overall production capacity for the year 2018 as per company's annual report is 75.3 mn tons while total sales have been reported as $45 bn.