
In: Computer Science

In C++ Create a program that uses Selection Sort and Insertion Sort for the National Football...

In C++

Create a program that uses Selection Sort and Insertion Sort for the National Football League list of current players. It's going to be a big list(over 1000 names). Please identify, in comments, which part of the code is for the Selection Sort and which part of the code is for Insertion Sort. It must have both.

Inputting data from a text file named "Players.txt"

Only want the name of the player(first name then last name), their team name, and position they play.

Example is:

Name Team Position
Patrick Mahomes Chiefs Quarterback
Julio Jones Falcons Wide Receiver
Fletcher Cox Eagles Defensive Tackle

Structure of the input file is:

Patrick Mahomes, Chiefs, Quarterback

Julio Jones, Falcons, Wide Receiver

Fletcher Cox, Eagles, Defensive Tackle

Output both lists separately(please indicate which lists goes with which sorting method) to a text file along with how long it took to go through the Selection Sort and Insertion Sort and how many iterations it took for each.


If you can't do this then can you please let someone else.


Expert Solution

Both sort will take n iterations so you meant number of comparisons for both sorting algorithms

codr with comments

#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;

struct Player {

    string name, team, position;


int selectionSort(vector<Player>& data) {  // selection sort

    int i, j, min_idx, comp = 0;

    for (i = 0; i < data.size() - 1; i++) {

        min_idx = i;

        for (j = i + 1; j < data.size(); j++) {

            if (data[j].name < data[min_idx].name) min_idx = j;



        swap(data[min_idx], data[i]);


    return comp;


int insertionSort(vector<Player>& data) {  // insertion sort

    int i, j, comp = 0;

    for (i = 1; i < data.size(); i++) {

        j = i;

        while (j > 0 && data[j - 1].name > data[j].name) {

            swap(data[j - 1], data[j]);

            j = j - 1;




    return comp;


vector<Player> getData(fstream& file) {  // read from file

    vector<Player> data;

    string line;

    Player p;

    while (getline(file, line)) {      // line by line

        stringstream ss(line);         // read tokens

        getline(ss,, ',');      // first token

        getline(ss,, ',');      // second token

        getline(ss, p.position, ',');  // third token



    return data;


void write(fstream& file, vector<Player> data) {

    for (auto p : data) {

        file << << "," << << "," << p.position << endl;



void print(vector<Player>& data) {  // print data

    for (auto p : data) {

        cout << left << setw(20) << << setw(20) << << setw(20)

             << p.position << endl;


    cout << endl << endl;


int main() {  // test all funtions

    fstream file;"Players.txt");

    auto data = getData(file);


    vector<Player> data1 = data, data2 = data;

    auto start1 = clock();

    int comp1 = selectionSort(data1);

    auto end1 = clock();

    auto start2 = clock();

    int comp2 = insertionSort(data2);

    auto end2 = clock();

    cout << "Selection Sort: \n";

    cout << "Time (in sec): " << (end1 - start1) * 1.0 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << endl;

    cout << "Comparisons: " << comp1 << endl << endl;


    cout << "Insertion Sort: \n";

    cout << "Time (in sec): " << (end2 - start2) * 1.0 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << endl;

    cout << "Comparisons: " << comp2 << endl << endl;


    fstream f1, f2;"selection.txt", ios::out);"insertion.txt", ios::out);

    write(f1, data1);

    write(f2, data2);


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