Distinction between Exclusive Powers, Concurrent Powers
and Residual Powers:
- Exclusive power can be exercised only by the
Federal parliament.so Exclusive power are ones that only the
commonwealth can make laws for & the states can not.
EXAMPLE-These include areas of national concern
such as immigration, defence and currency
- Concurrent power can be exercised by both
,means the states & commonwealth.If both the state &
federal govt. can pass laws on the same matter,then the power is
said to be concurrent.These areas are marriage, divorce and
bankruptcy.concurrent power of the Commonwealth encapsulates the
co-existence of state law and commonwealth law
- Residual powers are the remaining power,which
stayed with the states,It means Before federation each colony had
it's own set of powers.At federation some of these powers were
handed over to the commonwealth,& the remaining power which
stayed with the states are known as residual
power. These areas of law making include education,
criminal laws and health.Residual powers reside with the states to
legislate (all powers which are not mentioned in the
Example of each power:
Exclusive Powers
The right to
- declare war
- maintain armed forces
- coin money
- establish and maintain the postal system, federal courts
Concurrent power
- marriage
- divorce
- taxation
- telegraphic, telephonic ,postal
- commerce with other countries
Residual powers
- education
- housing
- law and order
- commerce and industry
- development
- primary production
- transport