In: Computer Science
Write a program in NASM that turns a 32-bit numeric value (e.g., 0xFFFFh) and converts it to a byte array such that it can be printed to the screen using a system call method. A loop is necessary for converting the numeric value to ASCII for output. Again, use a system call (e.g., int 80h) to print the value to the console. Calling external functions (e.g. printf) is not allowed. You may use the starter file attached to this assignment.
The program is written below,
The program is written below,
.MODEL FLAT, stdcall
.STACK 4096
GetStdHandle PROTO, nStdHandle:DWORD
WriteConsoleA PROTO,
hConsoleOutput:DWORD, ; output handle
lpBuffer:PTR BYTE, ; pointer to buffer
nNumberOfCharsToWrite:DWORD, ; size of buffer
lpNumberOfCharsWritten:PTR DWORD, ; num bytes written
lpReserved:DWORD ; not used (NULL)
ExitProcess PROTO, dwExitCode:DWORD
bytesWritten DWORD 0 ; for WriteConsoleA
stdHandle DWORD 0 ; for WriteConsoleA
s1 BYTE "Hello Universe", 13, 10, 0
lenS1 = ($ - s1)
_main PROC
; get STDOUT handle
push -11 ; request STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE (-11)
call GetStdHandle ; call WinAPI to get console handle
mov stdHandle, eax ; save stdHandle
push 0 ; reserved, push NULL
push OFFSET bytesWritten ; bytes written
mov eax, lenS1
push eax ; bytes to write
push OFFSET s1 ; string address
push stdHandle ; STD_OUPUT_HANDLE
call WriteConsoleA ; call win api to write text to console
INVOKE ExitProcess, 0
_main ENDP