
In: Biology

Complete the following definitions with regards to viral replication: Retrovirus Prophage Eclipse period Burst Time

  1. Complete the following definitions with regards to viral replication:



Eclipse period

Burst Time


Expert Solution


Retrovirus: Retrovirus is a single stranded (ssRNA) envolved viruses that replicate through a DNA intermediates. The virion RNA is linear, single stranded, nonsegmented and positive polarity. The enzyme found in this virus particle are reverse transcriptase, integrase and a proteases. Example- HIV.

Prophage: when the phage DNA is integrated with the nucleoid of the host genome during lysogenic cycle. This integrated phage DNA is called prophage. It multiples on the host cells when host's DNA replicates.

Eclipse period: The initial stage of latent period when infectious virion is not detectable even by disrupting the bacteria is called eclipse period.

Burst time: After the latent period, the host cell rapidly lyse and release all infective phage is called burst time.

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