
In: Computer Science

(IN C LANGUAGE) The cost to become a member of a fitness center is as follows:...

(IN C LANGUAGE) The cost to become a member of a fitness center is as follows:

(a) the senior citizens discount is 30%

(b) if the membership is bought and paid for 12 or more months, the discount is 15%

(c) if more than five personal training sessions are bought and paid for, the discount on each session is 20%

Write a that determines the cost of a new membership.

Your program must contain: a function that displays the general information about the fitness center and its charges a function that prompts for the price per month of a membership and the cost of each personal trainer session

a function that prompts for all of the necessary information to determine the cost of a membership

a function to determine the membership cost


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

void setPrices(...);

void getInfo(...);
double membershipCost(...);
void displayCenterInfo();

int main()

void displayCenterInfo()
   printf("Welcome to Stay Healty and Fit center.\n");
   printf("This program determines the cost of a new membership.\n");
   printf("If you are a senior citizen, then the discount is 30%% of the regular membership price.\n");
   printf("If you buy membership for twelve months and pay today, the discount is 15%%.\n");
   printf("If you buy and pay for 6 or more personal training session today, the discount on each session is 20%%.\n\n");


Expert Solution

// sourceCode.c

#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdbool.h>

void setPrices(double*, double*);

void getInfo(bool*, bool*, bool*, int*, int*);

double membershipCost(double, int, double, int, bool, bool, bool);

void displayCenterInfo();

int main()


    bool seniorCitizen;

    bool boughtSixOrMoreSessions;

    bool paidTwelveOrMoreMonths;

    int numberOfMembershipMonths;

    int numberOfPersonalTrainingSessions;

    double regularMembershipChargesPerMonth;

    double costOfOnePersonalTrainingSession;

    double memberCost;


    // Note: & is used to pass the variable as by reference to the function

    setPrices(&regularMembershipChargesPerMonth, &costOfOnePersonalTrainingSession);

    getInfo(&seniorCitizen, &boughtSixOrMoreSessions, &paidTwelveOrMoreMonths, &numberOfMembershipMonths, &numberOfPersonalTrainingSessions);

    // calculate getInfo

    memberCost = membershipCost(regularMembershipChargesPerMonth, numberOfMembershipMonths, costOfOnePersonalTrainingSession,

                                 numberOfPersonalTrainingSessions, seniorCitizen, boughtSixOrMoreSessions, paidTwelveOrMoreMonths);


    return 0;


void displayCenterInfo()


   printf("Welcome to Stay Healthy and Fit center.\n");

   printf("This program determines the cost of a new membership.\n");

   printf("If you are a senior citizen, then the discount is 30%% of the regular membership price.\n");

   printf("If you buy membership for twelve months and pay today, the discount is 15%%.\n");

   printf("If you buy and pay for 6 or more personal training session today, the discount on each session is 20%%.\n\n");


void setPrices(double* regMemPrice, double* personalTrSesCost)


    printf("Please enter the cost of regular Membership per month: ");


    printf("Please enter the cost of one personal training session: ");



void getInfo(bool* senCitizen, bool* bSixOrMoreSess, bool* paidTwMnth, int* nOfMonths, int* nOfPersonalTrSess)


    //Senior Citizen Verification

    char userInputSenior;

    printf("Are you Senior? Please enter 'Y' or 'N': ");

    scanf(" %c",&userInputSenior);

    if (userInputSenior == 'y' || userInputSenior == 'Y') {

        *senCitizen = true;

    } else{

        *senCitizen = false;


    //Number of personal training session.

    printf("Enter the number of personal training sessions bought: ");


    if (*nOfPersonalTrSess > 5){

        *bSixOrMoreSess = true;



        *bSixOrMoreSess = false;


    //Number of months

    printf("Enter the number of months you are paying for: ");


    if (*nOfMonths >= 12){

        *paidTwMnth = true;

    } else{

        *paidTwMnth = false;



double membershipCost(double regMemPricePerMth, int nOfMonths, double personalTrSesCost, int nOfPersonalTrSess,

                       bool senCitizen, bool bSixOrMoreSess, bool paidTwMnth)


    double finalMembershipCost, finalSessionCost;

    //Session Discount

    if (bSixOrMoreSess) {

        personalTrSesCost = (personalTrSesCost * 0.8);

    } else {

        personalTrSesCost = personalTrSesCost;


    //Month Discount

    if (paidTwMnth) {

        regMemPricePerMth = regMemPricePerMth * 0.85;

    } else {

        regMemPricePerMth = regMemPricePerMth;


    finalMembershipCost = regMemPricePerMth * nOfMonths;

    finalSessionCost = personalTrSesCost * nOfPersonalTrSess;

    // Check if Senior Citizen Discount Applies

    if (senCitizen) {

        return (finalMembershipCost * 0.7) + finalSessionCost;

    } else {

        return finalMembershipCost + finalSessionCost;



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