
In: Computer Science

#include <stdio.h> typedef struct Coordinates { int x; int y; } Coordinate; typedef union uCoordinates {...

#include <stdio.h>

typedef struct Coordinates
int x;
int y;
} Coordinate;

typedef union uCoordinates
int x;
int y;
} uCoordinate;

// TODO - Populate 4 different Coordinates with any numbers between 1 and 99 for x & y values
// using coordinate1, coordinate2, coordinate3, & coordinate4 as Coordinate names
// TODO - Print to screen the x & y values of each coordinate
// TODO - Replace the following with your name: Ethin Svoboda
int main()
Coordinate coordinate1 = {.x 5, .y 7};
Coordinate coordinate2 = {.x 11, .y 20};
Coordinate coordinate3[100];
coordinate3[0].x = 10;

printf(format: "Coordinate 1 - x = %d, y = %d \n", coordinate1.x, coordinate1.y);
printf(format: "Coordinate 2 - x = %d, y = %d \n", coordinate2.x, coordinate2.y);

return 0;

The code I have is in my int main but I'm kind of confused on how to do it. What I'm supposed to do it says "TODO" before. Any help would be great thanks!


Expert Solution


// C Program
#include <stdio.h>

// this is the way of defining structure this structure has two elements x and y
typedef struct Coordinates
int x;
int y;
} Coordinate;

// this is the way of defining union this union has two elements x and y
typedef union uCoordinates
int x;
int y;
} uCoordinate;

// TODO - Populate 4 different Coordinates with any numbers between 1 and 99 for x & y values
// using coordinate1, coordinate2, coordinate3, & coordinate4 as Coordinate names
// TODO - Print to screen the x & y values of each coordinate
// TODO - Replace the following with your name: Ethin Svoboda

int main()
// Populate 4 different Coordinates with any numbers between 1 and 99 for x & y values
// using coordinate1, coordinate2, coordinate3, & coordinate4 as Coordinate names


// we can create cordinates as follows
Coordinate coordinate1 = {5, 7};
Coordinate coordinate2 = {11, 20};
Coordinate coordinate3 ={9,16};

//cordinate can also be populated by declaring variable then assigning values
Coordinate coordinate4;
coordinate4.x = 19;
coordinate4.y = 12;

// Print to screen the x & y values of each coordinate
printf("Coordinate 1 - x = %d, y = %d \n", coordinate1.x, coordinate1.y);
printf("Coordinate 2 - x = %d, y = %d \n", coordinate2.x, coordinate2.y);
printf("Coordinate 3 - x = %d, y = %d \n", coordinate3.x, coordinate3.y);
printf("Coordinate 4 - x = %d, y = %d \n", coordinate4.x, coordinate4.y);


// In union both x and y share the same location so if we assign a value to x same value will be assigned to y and vice-versa
uCoordinate EthinSvoboda1;
EthinSvoboda1.x = 4;       // 4 assigned to EthinSvoboda1.y also

uCoordinate EthinSvoboda2;
EthinSvoboda2.y = 51;       // 51 assigned to EthinSvoboda2.x also

uCoordinate EthinSvoboda3;
EthinSvoboda3.x = 11;

uCoordinate EthinSvoboda4;   // if we not assign any value by default it initialise with 4
EthinSvoboda4.y = 38;

// Print to screen the x & y values of each coordinate
printf("Coordinate 1 - x = %d, y = %d \n", EthinSvoboda1.x, EthinSvoboda1.y);
printf("Coordinate 2 - x = %d, y = %d \n", EthinSvoboda2.x, EthinSvoboda2.y);
printf("Coordinate 3 - x = %d, y = %d \n", EthinSvoboda3.x, EthinSvoboda3.y);
printf("Coordinate 4 - x = %d, y = %d \n", EthinSvoboda4.x, EthinSvoboda4.y);
return 0;


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