
In: Computer Science

Design a program that asks the user for a number and the program computes the factorial...

Design a program that asks the user for a number and the program computes the factorial of that number and displays the result .

Implement with two different modules - one that uses a for loop and one that uses a while loop

Grading Rubrick

Program Compiles Cleanly  syntax errors25 pts-5 per errorProgram runs without runtime errors ( validation)run-time errors 25 pts-5 per errorProgram give correct answersLogic errors30 pts-5 per errorProgram is repeatableNot repeatable5 pts-5 ptsProgram is well modularizedBarely Modularized10 pts- 5 ptsDocumented WellDocumented Some5 pts- 3 ptsSomething Cool (but relevant) beyond strict requirementsSomething extra5 pts + 3 ptsBest possible grade : 105


Expert Solution

The program is designed using Python Programming Language.

The code with use of WHILE LOOP is as follows:

user_input=int(input("Enter your input: "))      #To take an integer value as the user input and store it in user_input variable
factorial=1                                                        #To initialize the value of variable factorial to 1
i=1                                                                    #To initialize the value of i to 1
while i<=user_input:                                        #To execute while loop as long as the condition "i<user_input" is true                           
    factorial=factorial*i                                      #The factorial variable gets stored by "factorial*i" value as long as the while loop condition is true
    i=i+1                                                            #And with the increment in the value of i
print("Factorial of ",user_input,"=",factorial)   #The print statement to display the factorial of the taken user input                                                                             

The code with use of FOR LOOP is as follows:

user_input = int(input("Enter your input: "))      #To take an integer value as the user input and store it in "user_input" variable
factorial = 1                                                        #To initialize the value of variable factorial to 1
for i in range(1, user_input + 1):                       #For loop is executed with i in range of 1 and user_input with default increment of i with 1
    factorial = factorial * i                                     #The factorial variable gets stored by "factorial*i" value as long as the for loop condition is true
print("Factorial of ", user_input, "= ", factorial)  #The print statement to display the factorial of the taken user input     

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