
In: Computer Science

Write a function that takes a valid stringlist and returns the index of the smallest element...

Write a function that takes a valid stringlist and returns the index of the smallest element in the list represented by the stringlist. You may not use split().


>>> stringlist min index('[123,53,1,8]') # 1 is smallest2

>>> stringlist min index('[1,2,345,0]') # 0 is smallest3

>>> stringlist min index('[5] ') # 5 is smallest0


Expert Solution

def stringlist_min_index(s):










    result = 0

    i = 1

    while i < len(li):

        if li[result] > li[i]:

            result = i

        i += 1

    return result

# Testing

print(stringlist_min_index('[123 ,53 ,1 ,8]'))

print(stringlist_min_index('[1 ,2 ,345 ,0]'))



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