
In: Computer Science

Normalize the following table into 1NF, 2NF and 3NF. Salesperson name Sales area Customer Number Customer...

Normalize the following table into 1NF, 2NF and 3NF.

Salesperson name

Sales area

Customer Number

Customer Name

Warehouse Number

Warehouse Location

Sales Amount






































Expert Solution

Three Steps of Normalization

Step 1: Flatten the relation, i.e., get rid of composite
        attributes and multi-valued attributes --> 1NF

Step 2: Remove partial key dependencies --> 2NF

Step 3: Remove nonkey dependencies --> 3NF


           Step 1: Flatten the relation --> 1NF
To convert to first-normal form is easy, simply combine each row in
the non-simple column with the items in the other columns to make
a row in the 1NF table:
SalesPerson No. SalesPerson- NAME S-Area Customer No. Customer Name WareHouse No. Warehose Location Sales Amount
76458 Hariharan East 17658 Asani 3 Govandi 13545
17645 Madhuram
17623 Sumit
76567 Dheerendra North 18190 Dhanram 4 Thane 11560
18173 Toshi
18150 Ganesh


                    Step 2: Remove partial key dependencies --> 2NF

The key of the previous table:
  Salesperson-No, Customer-No

Salesperson-No --> Salesperson-Name
Salesperson-No --> S-Area
So split the SALES-REPORT table into two tables

SALESPERSON (Salesperson-No, Salesperson-name, Sales-area), and

SALESPERSON-CUSTOMER (Salesperson-No, Customer-No, Customer-name,  Warehouse-No, Warehouse-loc, Sales-amount)

Salesperson-No   Salesperson-name   Sales-area
76458              Hariharan        East
76567              Dheerendra       North

Sp-No         C-No        C-Name        W-No  Warehouse-loc  Sales
76458 17658 Asani 3 Govandi 13545
76567 18190 Dhanram 4 Thane 11560


            Step 3: Remove non-key dependencies --> 3NF
So, to convert it to 3NF form split the table into 4 3NF relations:

(Salesperson-No, Salesperson-Name, Sales-Area, 
(Customer-No, Customer-Name, Warehouse-No, Warehouse-location, Sales)*)

(Salesperson-No, Salesperson-name, Sales-area)

(Salesperson-number, Customer-number, Sales-amount)

(Customer-number, Customer-name, Warehouse-number)


*Please Check the Table provided by you . Values of Sales areea , customer number and customer name are incorrect and not upto the data type. Give the correct table and comment for any clarification needed.

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