
In: Computer Science

Using the following array: //may be declared outside of the main function const int NUM_Games =4;...

Using the following array:

//may be declared outside of the main function

const int NUM_Games =4;

//may only be declared within the main function

int scores[NUM_GAMES] = {122, 76, 92, 143};

Write a C++ program to run a menu-driven program with the following choices:

1) Display the scores
2) Change a score
3) Display game with the highest score
4) Display a sorted list of the scores
5) Quit

  • Write a function called getValidScore that allows a user to enter in an integer and loops until a valid number that is>= 0 and <= 150 is entered. It returns the valid value.
    • int getValidScore();
  • Write a function called getValidGameNumber that allows a user to enter in an integer and loops until a valid number that is>= 1 and <= NUM_GAMES. It returns the valid value.
    • int getValidGame();
  • Write a function called displayScores that takes the score array as a parameter and displays the scores in the format in the sample run below.
    • void displayScores(int scores[NUM_GAMES]);
  • Write a function called ChangeAScore that takes the score array as a parameter, it allows the user to enter in a valid score and a valid game, It then stores the score under the selected game in the scores array.
    • void ChangeAScore(int scores[NUM_GAMES]);
  • Write a function called displayGameHighestScore that takes the score array as a parameter, it displays the number of the game with the highest score. Note: array elements are 0 to 2 but the game numbers are 1 to 5.
    • //displays the number of the game with the highest score
    • void displayGameHighestScore(int scores[NUM_GAMES]);
  • Write a function called displaySortedScores that takes the scores array as a parameter, it creates a local copy of the scores array, sorts the new array in descending order and displays values in the new array. You can use either bubble or selection sort.
    • void displaySortedScores(int scores[NUM_GAMES]);

Sample Run:

Welcome to the Gaming Program!

1) Display the scores

2) Change a score

3) Display game with the highest score

4) Display a sorted list of the scores to the menu

5) Quit

Select an option (1..4)..1

Display scores

Game 1            Game 2            Game 3            Game 4

   122                   76                    92                     143

1) Display the scores

2) Change a score

3) Display game with the highest score

4) Display a sorted list of the scores to the menu

5) Quit
Select an option (1..4)..2

Change a score

Please enter in the game number …


Please enter in a valid game number …


Please enter in the score ...


1) Display the scores

2) Change a score

3) Display game with the highest score

4) Display a sorted list of the scores to the menu

5) Quit
Select an option (1..4)..3

The game with the highest score is 4

Select an option (1..4)..4

Sorted list of scores

143      135      122      92

Select an option (1..4)..5


Expert Solution

Screenshot of program code:-

Screenshot of output:-

Program code to copy:-

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

const int NUM_GAMES =4;

// functions prototype
int getValidScore();
int getValidGame();
void displayScores(int scores[NUM_GAMES]);
void ChangeAScore(int scores[NUM_GAMES]);
void displayGameHighestScore(int scores[NUM_GAMES]);
void displaySortedScores(int scores[NUM_GAMES]);

int main()
   int scores[NUM_GAMES] = {122, 76, 92, 143};
   int option;
       // Display menu
       cout << "Welcome to the Gaming Program!" << endl;
       cout << "1) Display the scores" << endl;
       cout << "2) Change a score" << endl;
       cout << "3) Display game with the highest score" << endl;
       cout << "4) Display a sorted list of the scores" << endl;
       cout << "5) Quit" << endl;
       //Prompt & read choice selected by the user
       cout << "Select an option (1..4)..";
       cin >> option;

       // Appropriate function will be called based on user choice  
           case 1:   // calling function to display the scores
           case 2:   // calling function to change the score
           case 3:   // calling function to display the number of the game with the highest score
           case 4:   // calling function to display a sorted list of the scores
       cout << endl;
   return 0;

// Function allows a user to enter in an integer and loops until a valid number that is
// >= 0 and <= 150 is entered. It returns the valid value.
int getValidScore()
   int score;
   cout << "Please enter in the score ..." << endl;
       // read score from user
       cin >> score;
       if(score>= 0 && score<= 150)
           cout << "Please enter in a valid score ..." << endl;
   return score;

// Function allows a user to enter in an integer and loops until a valid number i.e.
// >= 1 and <= NUM_GAMES. It returns the valid value.
int getValidGame()
   int gameNum;
   cout << "Please enter in the game number ..." << endl;
       // read game number from user
       cin >> gameNum;
       if(gameNum>= 1 && gameNum<= NUM_GAMES)
           cout << "Please enter in a valid game number ..." << endl;
   return gameNum;

// Function takes the score array as a parameter and displays the scores.
void displayScores(int scores[NUM_GAMES])
   cout << "Display scores" << endl;
   cout << "Game 1\tGame 2\tGame 3\tGame 4\n";
   for(int i=0; i<NUM_GAMES; i++)
       cout << scores[i] << "\t";

// Function takes the score array as a parameter, it allows the user to
// enter in a valid score and a valid game, It then stores the score under
// the selected game in the scores array.
void ChangeAScore(int scores[NUM_GAMES])
   cout << "Change a score" << endl;
   // calling function to get the valid game number
   int gameNum = getValidGame();
   // calling function to get the valid score
   int score = getValidScore();
   // stores the score under the selected game in the scores array.
   scores[gameNum-1] = score;

// Function takes the score array as a parameter, it displays the number
// of the game with the highest score.
void displayGameHighestScore(int scores[NUM_GAMES])
   int high = scores[0];
   int gameNum = 1;
   for(int i=1; i<NUM_GAMES; i++)
       if(scores[i] > high)
           high = scores[i];
           gameNum = i+1;
   // displays the number of the game with the highest score
   cout << "The game with the highest score is " << gameNum;

// Function takes the scores array as a parameter, it creates a local copy of the scores array,
// sorts the new array in descending order and displays values in the new array.
void displaySortedScores(int scores[NUM_GAMES])
   // declare local copy of score array
   int sortedScore[NUM_GAMES];
   // creates a local copy of the scores array
   for(int i=0; i<NUM_GAMES; i++)
       sortedScore[i] = scores[i];
   // sorts the new array in descending order
   for (int i=0 ; i<NUM_GAMES-1; i++)
   for (int j=0 ; j<NUM_GAMES-i-1; j++)
       if (sortedScore[j]> sortedScore[j+1])
       int temp = sortedScore[j];
       sortedScore[j] = sortedScore[j+1];
       sortedScore[j+1] = temp;
   // displays values in the new array
   cout << "Sorted list of scores" << endl;
   for(int i=0; i<NUM_GAMES; i++)
       cout << sortedScore[i] << "\t";

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