
In: Biology

Question 1 You've found a baby songbird and nursed it back to health. It was unable...

Question 1

You've found a baby songbird and nursed it back to health. It was unable to fly, so you adopted it and raised it as your own. Which scenario is most likely?

The bird will never vocalize.

The bird will vocalize the song of a different species around

The bird will vocalize, but it will not sound like the species usual song.

The bird will vocalize the species usual song.

Question 2

In an experiment studying predator and prey relationships, a scientist offers a juvenile toad a bumblebee as food. The bee stings the toad when the toad tries to catch and eat the bee. Subsequent feeding trials with the toad reveal that the toad avoids feeding on bumblebees. This is a demonstration of

non-associative learning on the toad's part.

associative learning on the toad's part.

Innate ability to avoid dangerous prey.

Sexual selection.


Expert Solution

1) Songbirds learn their songs and perform them using a specialized voice box called a syrinx that allows them to create independent sounds in different parts of their trachea.

The true songbirds have to learn how to communicate effectively. Songbirds begin learning their songs while still in the nest, a phase known as the critical period, when nestlings listen to the adults singing around them, young birds attempt to replicate these songs, practicing until they have matched to their adult. Some songbirds, such as the catbirds, thrashers, and mockingbirds, learn to mimic other species such as frogs, cats, and even car alarms.

Variation in song often arises when they are isolated from their group.

So , from the given suitation in the question,the most likely scenario is second one ie "The bird will vocalise the song of different species around".

2) Learning processes can be broadly categorized into associative and non-associative. Associative learning occurs through the pairing of two previously unrelated stimuli, whereas non-associative learning occurs in response to a single stimuli repeatedly.

Toads learn when repeatedly exposed to stimuli.
Here the answer is the first one
"Non associative learning on the toad's part"

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