2.Uniformity in action: In centralization actions are uniform
because of central administrative control.This leads to uniform
performance of activities.
3.Flexibility: In centralization there is
flexibility and adaptability of the organisation to the changed
technology etc.
4.Better Coordination: In centralization all
decisions are taken by top level management. So, it facilitates
better co-ordination among employees in the various operations.
Disadvantages of
- Delay in work- Centralization delays office
works, as quick decisions are not possible in this.
- Remote Control- Better supervision is not
possible as in centralization, all the employees are in the under
huge pressure of work.
- No Loyalty- In centralization, loyalty is not
by employees as they doesn't get involved in the process of
decision making, it doesn't satisfy employees, and does not get
initiative.So,No loyalty is also provided by employees
Advantages of
- Increase in efficiency- In decentralization,
employees get more initiatives,more confidence,when they involves
in decision making process, which increase the efficiency of
employees and performance of the company also.
- Better Performance- As employees,satisfy and
has more confidence in this process, it gives the power of making
better performance of company.
Disadvantages of
- More financial burden- In this process, it
involves or require employees of fully trained skills to accept
authority which involves more financial burden.
- Uniform Policies not followed- In this
process, uniform policies is not possible to follow as different
level management,frame policies according to its talent.
Balanced scorecard refers to the strategic planning and
management system which use to measure and monitor progress towards
strategic targets and communicate what organisation try to
The four perspective of balanced scorecard:
- Financial- This perspective views organisation
performance and the use of its financial resources.
- Customer- This perspective views organisation
performance in respect of organisation customers, stakeholders that
the organisation is designed to serve.
- Internal Process- This perspective views
organisational performance through the quality and efficiency
related to its product or services or other business process.
- Organisational Capacity- This perspective
views organisation performance in respect of organisation human
capital,technology,culture,infrastructure and other capacities that
are key to breakthrough performance.
There are four perspective of balanced scorecard are as
followed :-
- Financial perspective
- Customer perspective
- Internal process
- Organisational capacity or Learning and growth
Examples of these four perspective of balanced scorecard are
- Financial Perspective- This will include
financial performance to evaluate the performance to evaluate the
performance. For example- revenue sources,like adding new revenue
channels and increasing profit margins etc.
- Customer Perspective- This will calculate
company performance,with the customer and stakeholder's etc. For
example- Customer services and satisfaction, as more customers
satisfy, more customers will get added and it will increase company
- Internal Process- In this performance can b
calculated with the measure of process taken in the business.For
example-Process improvement like improving, internal process and
use updated technology for better process.
- Learning and growth perspective- This
perspective will measure performance of company with the respect of
human capital,technology etc. For example- In human
capital,skills,talent and knowledge afre keys to evaluate
performance of organisation.
In technology, safety systems, data protection systems are the
keys to measure the performance of company.
The purpose of balanced scorecard is to evaluate company
performance by focusing four separate ares i.e financial
customers,Internal process and organisation capacity. By focusing
on these four separate areas,they evaluate the financial as well as
non financial performance of the organisation.
Function of balanced scorecard is to measure and monitor
progress towards strategic targets and communicate what they are
trying to achieve:
Advantages of Balanced Scorecard:
- Better performance or management information -
In Balanced Scorecard,information of financial and non-financial
performance with each and every details.
- Better Management and Improves Performance
Reporting- Organisation having or using balanced scorecard
tends to report performance and communicate better than other
- Improved Communication-In this balanced
scorecard communication of all targets and measurement of all
financial and non-financial items,could be better than any other