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The command-and control approach is not favored by
environmentalist economists becasue of the following reasons:-
- Command-and-control regulation offers no incentive to go beyond
the set standards and improve the quality of the environment Once
the command-and-control regulation has been satisfied, polluters do
not find any incentive to do better.
- Command-and-control regulation is not flexible. It usually
requires the same set of norms and standards for all polluters, and
often the same pollution-control technology as well. This means
that command-and-control regulation deos not distinguish between
firms that would find it easy and inexpensive to meet the pollution
standard and firms that might find it difficult and costly to meet
the standard. This leads to inefficiencies compared to the
potential benefit that can be achieved if a distinction is
- Third, command-and-control regulations are written by
bureaucrats, legislators and the EPA, and so they are subject to
influences and pressures exerted by political groups.. Existing
firms often lobby and bypass environmental standards. Consequently,
real-world environmental laws are filled with print, loopholes, and
Although critics accept the goal of reducing pollution, they
pose the question whether command-and-control regulation is the
efficient and sensible way to go forward.