
In: Computer Science

message = 'youcannotdecodemyciphertexttoday' def transposition_cipher_encode(plain_text, key): # the input, key should be a permutation of integers...

message = 'youcannotdecodemyciphertexttoday'

def transposition_cipher_encode(plain_text, key):
# the input, key should be a permutation of integers 0 to some number
# your code here

need code in PYTHON


Expert Solution

def transposition_cipher_encode(plain_text,key):

data={int(v): n for n, v in enumerate(key)}

cipher_text = ''

for index in sorted(data.keys()):

for s in [plain_text[i:i + len(key)] for i in range(0, len(plain_text), len(key))]:


cipher_text =cipher_text+s[data[index]]



return cipher_text

message = 'youcannotdecodemyciphertexttoday'



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