
In: Computer Science

LEVEL ONE Lists and indexing Create a list x that spans 1 to 100 using 5...


  1. Lists and indexing
    1. Create a list x that spans 1 to 100 using 5 unit increments.

                                Hint: Use the inline for and range().

  1. Create a list y containing the elements from x that are divisible by 2.

                                Hint: Explore the for … if … statement.

  1. Do b. in another manner. Hint: Use , e.g., array() and where() from numpy.


  1. Arrays in numpy
    1. Create an array x that contains a random set of 100 uniform(0,10) variables.
  2.                                 Hint: Explore numpy.random.rand().

    1. Find the values in x greater than 5.
    2. Find the maximum and minimum values without sorting. Hint: Explore numpy.min() and numpy.max().
    1. Find the indices associated with the min/max in c.   Hint: Explore numpy.argmin() and numpy.argmax().



Expert Solution

Level One

x = [ele for ele in range(1,100,5)] # list x from 1 to 100 with interval of 5
print(x) #print list x

y = [num for num in x if num % 2 == 0] # list y which has elements from x divisble by 2
print(y) #print list y

Using Numpy

import numpy as np #import numpy package
x = np.arange(1,100,5) # array x from 1 to 100 with interval of 5
print(x) #print array x

y = x[np.where(x%2==0)] # array y which has elements from x divisble by 2
print(y) #print array y

Level Two

x = np.random.uniform(0,10,100) # array of 100 elements in uniform distribution with low = 0 and high = 10

print(x[x>5]) # values from x which are greater than 5
print(min(x), max(x)) #minimum and maximum value of array x
print(np.argmin(x), np.argmax(x)) # index of minimum and maximum value of x


Level one without using Numpy

Level one using Numpy

Level Two

Comments has been given in the code. Also, Screenshot of code as well as output has been given for the reference.

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