Modern Database Management, 13th EditionJeff Hoffer9-39. You are to construct a star schema for Simplified
Automobile Insurance Company. The relevant dimensions, dimension
attributes, and dimension sizes are as follows:InsuredPartyAttributes: InsuredPartyID and Name.
There is an average of two insured parties for each policy and
covered item.CoverageItemAttributes: CoverageKey and Description. There is an average of
10 covered items per policy.AgentAttributes: AgentID and AgentName. There is one agent for each
policy and covered item.PolicyAttributes: PolicyID and Type. The
company has approximately 1...
Explain the following Australian, international and local
legislation and conventions that are
relevant to financial management in an organisation. [120-200
Note: You must briefly explain the legislation and the impact it
has upon an organisations
a) Competition and Consumer Act 2010
b) Privacy Act 1988
c) National Employment Standards under the Fair Work Act 2009
d) World Trade Organisation and the 10 things the WTO can do
Explain what the meaning of the Relevant range. Explain how the
relevant range changes for variable cost behavior
(curvilinear cost behavior) and how the relevant range changes for
fixed cost behavior (stepped cost behavior). (100 to 200 words)
Explain what the meaning of the Relevant range. Explain how the
relevant range changes for variable cost behavior( curvilinear cost
behavior) and how the relevant range changes for fixed cost
behavior(stepped cost behavior)
Explain how chord works. To increasing the fault tolerance in
chord, each node maintains a successor list (finger table) instead
of a single successor. Explain the lookup algorithm for finding an
object in this structure.