
In: Computer Science

(Implement GenericQueue using inheritance) In section 24.5 Stacks and Queues.GenericQueue is implemented using compositions.Define a new...

(Implement GenericQueue using inheritance) In section 24.5 Stacks and Queues.GenericQueue is implemented using compositions.Define a new queue class that extends java.util.linkedlist


Expert Solution

I have solve the problem in Java code with comments for easy understanding :)


public class GenericQueue<E> extends LinkedList<E> {

public GenericQueue() {


public GenericQueue(LinkedList<E> list) {



public void enqueue(E e) {



public E dequeue() {

return removeFirst();


public static void main(String[] args) {

LinkedList<String> li = new LinkedList<String>();




// need to pass the object li to the constructor

GenericQueue<String> q = new GenericQueue<String>(li);




System.out.println("First element : "+q.removeFirst());

System.out.print("Remaining elementd : ");


* need use the while-loop with isEmpty method instead of for-loop with

* size() method


while (!q.isEmpty()) {

System.out.print(q.dequeue() + " ");





First element : Tom
Remaining elementd : Vincent John baba Ali john

----------------PLEASE RATE THE ANSWER-----------THANK YOU!!!!!!!!----------

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