
In: Statistics and Probability

The number of defective items produced by a machine (Y) is known to be linearly related...

The number of defective items produced by a machine (Y) is known to be linearly related to the speed setting of the machine (X). Data is provided below.

a) (3) Fit a linear regression function by ordinary least squares; obtain the residuals and plot the residuals against X. What does the residual plot suggest?

b) (3) Plot the absolute value of the residuals and the squared residuals vs. X. Which plot has a better line?

c) (4) Perform a weighted least square using the squared residuals to compute the weights. Obtain the weighted least squares estimates for the estimated parameters and their standard errors. Are these values similar to the ones produced in a)? Which results are better, the ones generated in a) or c)? Please explain your answer.




























Expert Solution



We shall use R for all numeric computation

model10<-lm(Y ~ X, data = data10)

> model10


lm(formula = Y ~ X, data = data10)


(Intercept) X  

-5.7500 0.1875  

> summary(model10)


lm(formula = Y ~ X, data = data10)


Min 1Q Median 3Q Max

-17.250 -11.250 -2.750 9.188 26.750


Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)

(Intercept) -5.75000 16.73052 -0.344 0.73820

X 0.18750 0.05381 3.484 0.00588 **


Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Residual standard error: 15.22 on 10 degrees of freedom

Multiple R-squared: 0.5484, Adjusted R-squared: 0.5032

F-statistic: 12.14 on 1 and 10 DF, p-value: 0.005878

As the independent variable seems to be categorical, the model too much deviates from actual values. Residuals are large!


c. plot(model10$residuals, model10$model$X,xlab = "Residuals", ylab = "X", type = "p")


lm(formula = model10$residuals ~ data10$X)


Min 1Q Median 3Q Max

-17.250 -11.250 -2.750 9.188 26.750


Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)

(Intercept) 4.467e-17 1.673e+01 0 1

data10$X -3.140e-18 5.381e-02 0 1


Line of Regression Y on X i.e Y = bo + b1 X
X Y (Xi - Mean)^2 (Yi - Mean)^2 (Xi-Mean)*(Yi-Mean)
28 200 506.25 10000 2250
75 400 600.25 10000 2450
37 300 182.25 0 0
53 400 6.25 10000 250
22 200 812.25 10000 2850
58 300 56.25 0 0
40 300 110.25 0 0
96 400 2070.25 10000 4550
46 200 20.25 10000 450
52 400 2.25 10000 150
30 200 420.25 10000 2050
69 300 342.25 0 0

calculation procedure for regression

mean of X = sum ( X / n ) = 50.5

mean of Y = sum ( Y / n ) = 300

sum ( (Xi - Mean)^2 ) = 5129

sum ( (Yi - Mean)^2 ) = 80000

sum ( (Xi-Mean)*(Yi-Mean) ) = 15000

b1 = sum ( (Xi-Mean)*(Yi-Mean) ) / sum ( (Xi - Mean)^2 )

= 15000 / 5129

= 2.925

bo = sum ( Y / n ) - b1 * sum ( X / n )

bo = 300 - 2.925*50.5 = 152.31

value of regression equation is, Y = bo + b1 X

Y'=152.31+2.925* X

bo =152.31

b1 =2.925

Standard Error of Y on X i.e Y = bo + b1 X
Xi Yi Y'=152.31+2.92*X Y-Y' (Y-Yi)^2
28 200 234.21 -34.21 1170.324
75 400 371.685 28.315 801.739
37 300 260.535 39.465 1557.486
53 400 307.335 92.665 8586.802
22 200 216.66 -16.66 277.556
58 300 321.96 -21.96 482.242
40 300 269.31 30.69 941.876
96 400 433.11 -33.11 1096.272
46 200 286.86 -86.86 7544.66
52 400 304.41 95.59 9137.448
30 200 240.06 -40.06 1604.804
69 300 354.135 -54.135 2930.598

Standard error = Sqrt( ( sum ( Y -Yi )^2/ n-2 )

sum ( Y -Yi )^2 = 36131.807

Standard Error = 36131.807

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