Select a solid, rectangular, Eastern hemlock beam for a 5m
simple span carrying a superimposed uniform...
Select a solid, rectangular, Eastern hemlock beam for a 5m
simple span carrying a superimposed uniform load of 4132 N/m
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Design a rectangular reinforced concrete beam for a simple span
of 35 ft. Uniform service loads are 1.0 kip/ft dead load (excluding
the self-weight of the beam) and 1.2 kips/ft live load. Use
f′c=4,000 psi and fy=60,000 psi. Sketch your design.
Design a rectangular reinforced concrete beam for a simple span
of 32 ft. Uniform service loads are 1.5 kips/ft dead load and 2.0
kips/ft live load. Assuming that the total depth h is not to exceed
32 in. and that there is no limitation on the width b. Use f′c =
3000 psi and fy = 60,000 psi. Sketch your design
(1) Select the lightest, rectangular Douglas fir section for the
cantilever beam of15- ft span that will carry a uniform load of 450
lb/ft. [Hint: V max = wL; Mmax = wL2/2]
A rectangular beam carrying a uniform load of 26 KN/m including
its own weight is limited in cross section to 300 mm x 500 mm. The
beam is simply supported in a span of 6 m. Using fc = 7 Mpa, fs =
124 Mpa, n = 12, ?? = 40 ???, ?? = 1.7 ???, ?????? ?ℎ? ????. Allow
65 mm distance from centroid of steel bars to extreme fibers.
A 40 ft simple span beam is loaded with a uniform dead load of
2.4 kips/ft plus the beam self-weight and a uniform live load of
3.3 kips/ft. The lateral supports are located at the supports and
at the midpoint of the span. Determine the leastweight W-shape to
carry the load. Use A992 steel and Cb= 1.0. Design by (a) LRFD and
(b) ASD. [6.16-36]
A 12 in. x 18 in. rectangular beam has an effective span of 20
ft. A dead load of 1500 lb/ft (includes self weight) and a live
load of 4000 lb/ft is applied to the beam. The concrete and steel
strengths are 4000 psi and 60000 psi respectively. Design and
detail the shear reinforcement for the beam. Assume d is 2 inches
less than h
Please select the reinforcement spacing for the entire span of a
simply supported beam on a 22 ft span. Use the detailed method to
calculate Vc. Do not use a shear envelope diagram use the regular
shear force diagram. Use b = 16 in., d = 27 in., the main bending
reinforcement consists of 4 #9 bars. The unfactored dead and live
loads are 2.6 Kip/ft and 2.5 kip/ft, respectively, f’c = 4500 psi,
and fy = 60,000 psi. Use...
Design of Rectangular Beams with Tension Reinforcement Design a
rectangular beam section (i.e., select b, h, and the required
tension reinforcement) at midspan for a 22 ft-span simply supported
beam that supports its own self-weight, a superimposed uniform dead
load of 1.25 kip/ft, and a uniform live load of 2 kip/ft. The
material properties are f 0 c = 4, 500 psi and fy = 60, 000 psi.
Consider a clear cover of 1.5 inches to the #4 stirrups. Follow...
What would be the percent change in deflection if a solid
rectangular beam has its unsupported length changed from 30 inches
to 36 inches? SHOW YOUR CALCULATION. What does
this tell you about the importance of unsupported beam length in
structural design?
Problem 2: A simple roof beam with a span 30 ft has a tributary
width of 5 ft. The nominal loads that act on the roof system are
shown below. Using the ASCE 7 Strength Design load combinations
determine the factored design load in the beam (plf). Show all load
combination calculations and identify the controlling load
combination and resulting design values for positive and negative
moment (±Mu) and shear (Vu).
Nominal Loads
Roof Live Load 20 psf
Snow Load...