In: Computer Science
Many cyber security attacks are made possible due to common weaknesses in software. The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) publishes information to assist in the development of secure application software. Every few years OWASP publish their Top 10 Application Security Risks, along with guidance to prevent and mitigate these common development errors. Your task is as follows: 1. Browse the OWASP Top 10 web site and read the summary page for each of the top 10 application security vulnerabilities 2. Of the ten vulnerabilities, choose three that you will investigate more thoroughly 3. For each of the three chosen vulnerabilities, answer the following questions: a. Explain what causes this vulnerability, and how it weakens the security of the computing system b. Describe a plausible attack scenario where the vulnerability is exploited, and describe an asset that may suffer harm c. Explain a process or technical control which will mitigate this vulnerability, clearly explaining how your suggestion would directly address the identified vulnerability
Solution 1: OWASP actually refers to the Open Web Application Security Project and it is an online forum that is concerned with the production as well as the sharing of the documents containing the information regarding web development security. The list of top-10 vulnerabilities that are mentioned by the OWASP are:
Solution 2: Three vulnerabilities that are chosen for the description are:
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