
In: Mechanical Engineering

Question 2 2.1       A brass rod of 25 mm in diameter is enclosed in a steel...

Question 2

2.1       A brass rod of 25 mm in diameter is enclosed in a steel tube. The tube is 10 mm thick with an outside diameter of 50 mm. The bar and the tube are initially 1 m long and are rigidly fastened together at each end. Calculate the stresses in the two materials when the temperature is raised by 80 0C.                               

2.2       If the composite bar is then subjected to an axial tensile load of 60 kN, find the resulting stresses.                                                                                                           

2.3       Calculate the final length of the composite rod. (use brass rod)                     

            Est = 200 GPa; αst = 12 x 10-6 / 0C

            Ebr = 100 GPa; αbr = 19 x 10-6 / 0C


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