
In: Economics

Considering deregulation and how it affects agriculture or the California economy. For example, economic regulation has...

Considering deregulation and how it affects agriculture or the California economy.

For example, economic regulation has limited the number of nurses and doctors based on the strict licensing regulations.

How would deregulation affect the quality of trained medical professional?

How has social regulation (through the requirement of health benefits for all employees) reduce the number of employees that have full time work?


Expert Solution

Answer to Part 1)

Regulation of professional courses takes place primarily to allow for quality over quantity of labor force. Even when some people may be interested in being part of the labor force, and demand may require additional labor, yet some critical areas such as defense, police and medical staff are such that form the backbone of any economy.

Therefore, they are subject to critical evaluation and controls so that the quality of the staff can be maintained. If medical professional degrees are allowed to be deregulated, it would mean an influx of colleges and institutions which provide doctors with training would come into existence.

This in turn would lead to wide spread issues for the quality of such staff. If regulations are not put into place, the doctors which qualify would end up being of significantly lesser quality. As a result of which the overall healthcare facilities of the nation would take a toll.

Therefore, most developed countries across the globe, have strict guidelines for qualification of medical professionals and regulation therefore is extremely important to maintain integrity of the profession and to ensure that the staff which graduates each year remains highly qualified.

Answer to Part 2)

Full time employees have greater rights than they ever did. Due to this fact, the employees needed for low end jobs are preferred as contractual workers instead of hiring the same in permanent role types.

The reason why the number of employees that have full time work has reduced is that, social regulation demands that the full time ones be paid allowances and health benefits such as employee insurance, travel reimbursements, city allowances etc.

As a result companies prefer to hire workers which can work on contracts, get the job done and yet do not take extra perks in the form of the above mandatory contributions.

This has resulted in some job losses in the low level job categories.

Please feel free to ask your doubts in the comments section if any.

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