
In: Computer Science

Write a class Lab7 that reads and evaluates postfix expressions contained in a file. Each line...

Write a class Lab7 that reads and evaluates postfix expressions contained in a file. Each line of the file contains a postfix expression with integers as operands and ‘+’, ‘-’, ‘*’ and ‘/’ as operators. Consecutive operands and operators are separated by spaces. Note the following requirements for the lab: • The main method in should do the following. 1. ask the user for the name of the file containing the expressions, 2. for each line of the file, read the postfix expression, call the method evaluatePostfix on this expression, and print the expression and its evaluation on the console. • The method to evaluate the postfix expression in must have the following signature: public static int evaluatePostfix(String expr). Your implementation must use the Scanner class to parse each line of the file to obtain the postfix expressions and then use a stack to evaluate each of these expressions. Test your code using lab7.dat as your input data file. You will also need the following files :,,

/** Implementation of a Stack Class using an ArrayList; we consider the
 * top of the stack to be the first element in the ArrayList. Hence a
 * push adds an element in the front of the vector, and a
 * pop removes the first element of the vector.
 * @authors Sharmin Jahan, Sandip Sen
import java.util.ArrayList;

public class StackArrayListBased implements StackInterface {
    /** ArrayList used for the stack */
    private ArrayList stack;

    /** default constructor */
    public StackArrayListBased() {
        stack = new ArrayList();
    }  // end default constructor

    /** Tests if this stack has no elements.
     * @return true if this list has no elements;
     * false otherwise.
    public boolean isEmpty() {
        return stack.isEmpty();
    }  // end isEmpty

    /** Adds an item to the top of a stack.
     *Postcondition: If insertion is successful, newItem is on the top
     * of the stack
     * @param newItem is the item to be added.
     * @throws some implementations may throw StackException when
     * newItem cannot be placed on the stack.
    public void push(E newItem) throws StackException {
        stack.add(0, newItem);
    }  // end push

     * Removes all the items from the stack.
     * PostCondition: Stack is empty.
    public void popAll() {
    }  // end popAll

     * Removes the top of a stack.
     * @return If the stack is not empty, the item that was added most
     * recently is removed from the stack and returned.
     * @throws StackException if the stack is empty.
    public E pop() throws StackException {
        if (!isEmpty()) {
            return stack.remove(0);
        else {
            throw new StackException("StackException on " +
                    "pop: stack empty");
        }  // end if
    }  // end pop

    /**  Retrieves the top of a stack.
     * @return If the stack is not empty, the item that was added most
     * recently is returned. The stack is unchanged.
     * @throws StackException if the stack is empty.
    public E peek() throws StackException {
        if (!isEmpty()) {
            return stack.get(0);
        else {
            throw new StackException("Stack exception on " +
                    "peek - stack empty");
        }  // end if
    }  // end peek
}  // end StackArrayListBased
/** Generic Stack Interface */
public interface StackInterface {

    /** Determines whether the stack is empty.
     * @return true if the stack is empty; false otherwise
    public boolean isEmpty();
     * Removes all the items from the stack.
     * PostCondition: Stack is empty.
    public void popAll();
    /** Adds an item to the top of a stack.     
     *Postcondition: If insertion is successful, newItem is on the top
     * of the stack
     * @param newItem is the item to be added.
     * @throws Some implementations may throw StackException when
     * newItem cannot be placed on the stack.
    public void push(E newItem) throws StackException;

     * Removes the top of a stack.
     * @return If the stack is not empty, the item that was added most
     * recently is removed from the stack and returned.
     * @throws StackException if the stack is empty.
    public E pop() throws StackException;
    /**  Retrieves the top of a stack.  
     * @return If the stack is not empty, the item that was added most
     * recently is returned. The stack is unchanged.
     * @throws StackException if the stack is empty.
    public E peek() throws StackException;

}  // end StackInterface
public class StackException 
             extends java.lang.RuntimeException {
  public StackException(String s) {
  }  // end constructor
}  // end StackException


5 4 - 12 - 10 62 + /
10 7 * 43 - 15 / 17 39 - +
22 11 / 19 * 14 2 + 2 * -
40 3 * 66 - 5 / 29 +


Expert Solution

The code for is as follows:

package SinglePackage;

import java.util.*;

public class Lab7  
    // Method to evaluate value of a postfix expression 
    public static int evaluatePostfix(String exp) 
        //create a stack 
        StackArrayListBased stack=new StackArrayListBased(); 
        String[] c=exp.split(" "); 
        // Scan all characters one by one 
        for(int i=0;i<c.length;i++) 
            // If the scanned character is an operand (number here), 
            // push it to the stack. 
            if(c[i].chars().allMatch( Character::isDigit)) 
            //  If the scanned character is an operator, pop two 
            // elements from stack apply the operator 
                int val1 = stack.pop(); 
                int val2 = stack.pop(); 
                    case "+": 
                    case "-": 
                    stack.push(val2- val1); 
                    case "/": 
                    case "*": 
        return stack.pop();     
    // Driver program to test above functions 
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException  
        /*String exp1="2 3 * 1 +"; 
        String exp2 ="40 3 * 66 - 5 / 29 +";
        System.out.println("postfix evaluation: "+evaluatePostfix(exp2));*/
        String s=null;
        File file = new File("./lab7.dat"); 
        Scanner sc = new Scanner(file); 
        while (sc.hasNextLine()) {
            System.out.println("The evaluated value of "+s+" is "+evaluatePostfix(s));

package SinglePackage;

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class StackArrayListBased implements StackInterface {
    /** ArrayList used for the stack */
    private ArrayList<Integer> stack;

    /** default constructor */
    public StackArrayListBased() {
        stack = new ArrayList<Integer>();
    }  // end default constructor

    /** Tests if this stack has no elements.
     * @return true if this list has no elements;
     * false otherwise.
    public boolean isEmpty() {
        return stack.isEmpty();
    }  // end isEmpty

    /** Adds an item to the top of a stack.
     *Postcondition: If insertion is successful, newItem is on the top
     * of the stack
     * @param newItem is the item to be added.
     * @throws some implementations may throw StackException when
     * newItem cannot be placed on the stack.
    public void push(int newItem) throws StackException {
        stack.add(0, newItem);
    }  // end push

     * Removes all the items from the stack.
     * PostCondition: Stack is empty.
    public void popAll() {
    }  // end popAll

     * Removes the top of a stack.
     * @return If the stack is not empty, the item that was added most
     * recently is removed from the stack and returned.
     * @throws StackException if the stack is empty.
    public int pop() throws StackException {
        if (!isEmpty()) {
            return (int)stack.remove(0);
        else {
            throw new StackException("StackException on " +
                    "pop: stack empty");
        }  // end if
    }  // end pop

    /**  Retrieves the top of a stack.
     * @return If the stack is not empty, the item that was added most
     * recently is returned. The stack is unchanged.
     * @throws StackException if the stack is empty.
    public int peek() throws StackException {
        if (!isEmpty()) {
            return (int)stack.get(0);
        else {
            throw new StackException("Stack exception on " +
                    "peek - stack empty");
        }  // end if

package SinglePackage;

public interface StackInterface {

    /** Determines whether the stack is empty.
     * @return true if the stack is empty; false otherwise
    public boolean isEmpty();
     * Removes all the items from the stack.
     * PostCondition: Stack is empty.
    public void popAll();
    /** Adds an item to the top of a stack.     
     *Postcondition: If insertion is successful, newItem is on the top
     * of the stack
     * @param newItem is the item to be added.
     * @throws Some implementations may throw StackException when
     * newItem cannot be placed on the stack.
    public void push(int newItem) throws StackException;

     * Removes the top of a stack.
     * @return If the stack is not empty, the item that was added most
     * recently is removed from the stack and returned.
     * @throws StackException if the stack is empty.
    public int pop() throws StackException;
    /**  Retrieves the top of a stack.  
     * @return If the stack is not empty, the item that was added most
     * recently is returned. The stack is unchanged.
     * @throws StackException if the stack is empty.
    public int peek() throws StackException;


public class StackException 
             extends java.lang.RuntimeException {
  public StackException(String s) {
  }  // end constructor


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