
In: Computer Science

1. Enhance Binary System Conversion program with Lab05.2 Addition Function Write a program that accepts two...

1. Enhance Binary System Conversion program with Lab05.2 Addition Function Write a program that accepts two positive binary number in string and perform the addition with Lab05.2 function enhance in a way can accept binary string in addition to decimal string (use input parameter to control the base2 or base10 addition) and output the as binary string. (Optional: Demonstrate 8 bits and 16 bits in length as inputs.) // the example function prototype for addition function below where accepting two numbers, m, and base as input; output the addition result as string type as return value; base should be 2 or 10 as required. string addFunction(string numberA, string numberB, int m, int base); Requirement: C++ programing; program an addition algorithm function that can both accept binary and decimal addition; convert each other if necessary. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................


1. Write a string addFunction that both can accept two positive binary numbers and decimal numbers in string.

2. The example function prototype for addition function below where accepting two numbers,m, and base as input; output the addition result as string type as return value; base should be 2 or 10 as required.

3. Output needs as binary string.

4. Example for String addFuntion(string numberA, string number B, int m, int base).

Program language: C++


Expert Solution


I have given the c++ code below with commands for easy understanding and given screenshot also :)


// main program
using namespace std;

string addFunction(string numberA, string numberB, int m, int base) //function to get the binary number in string
   string sol="";   //print the result
   int carry=0;

   int indexA=numberA.length()-1; //Store last index of numberA in indexA
   int indexB=numberB.length()-1; //Store last index of numberB in indexB

   while(indexA>=0 || indexB>=0) //Loop untill both the strings finished
       int a = (indexA>=0) ? numberA[indexA]-'0' : 0; //If theres is a bit in numberA then take it, 0 other
       int b = (indexB>=0) ? numberB[indexB]-'0' : 0; //If theres is a bit in numberB then take it, 0 other
       int sum = (a^b^carry);
       //Find carry
       carry = ((a & b) | (a & carry) | (b & carry));
       //Store the sum into result string
       //Decrement both the indiecs
   //If there is a carry then add append 1 to the front

   return sol;

int main()
   //Function calling

   return 0;


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