
In: Computer Science

(Not in Swing) Write a JavaFX application that creates polyline shapes dynamically using mouse clicks. Each...

(Not in Swing)

Write a JavaFX application that creates polyline shapes dynamically using mouse clicks.

Each mouse click adds a new line segment to the current polyline from the previous point to the current mouse position. Allow the user to end the current polyline with the double click. Also, provide a button that clears the window and allows the user to begin again.


Expert Solution

1). ANSWER :


Javafx - polyline with Examples :

Polyline is component of the JavaFX library. Polyline is a set of correlated points. Even Though Polyline is almost similar to the Polygon class, the only variation is polygon forms a closed area whereas the Polyline can form both closed and open area. Also, Polyline class expands shape class.

Constructors for class are

· Polyline():Creates an empty instance of Polyline.

· Polyline(double… points): creates a new instance of polyline with given points

Commonly used methods:




Gets the points of the polyline segments


Returns a string representation of this polyline project.


I. iiiiiiiiiiiiiSystemitoicreateianiopeniareaiofilinkedisectionsiusingipolyline:iThisiprogramimakesiaiPolylineiindicatedibyitheinameipolyline.itheimanagesiofitheipointsiofitheilineisegmentsitoicreateianiopeniarea.iTheiPolylineiwillibeicreatediwithiniaiscene,iwhichiiniturniwillibeihostediinsideiaistage.iTheifunctionisetTitle()iisiuseditoiprovideititleitoitheistage.iTheniaiGroupiisicreated,ianditheipolylineiisiconnected.iTheigroupiisiconnecteditoitheiscene.iLastly,itheishow()imethodiisicalleditoishowitheifinaliresults.i


II. JavaiProgramitoicreateianiopeniareaiofilinkedisectionsiusingipolyline


import javafx.application.Application;

import javafx.scene.Scene;

  import javafx.scene.control.Button;

import javafx.scene.layout.*;

import javafx.scene.paint.Color;

import javafx.scene.shape.Polyline;

import javafx.scene.control.*;

import javafx.stage.Stage;

import javafx.scene.Group;

public class Polyline_0 extends Application


public void start(Stage stage) // launch the application


stage.setTitle("creating Polyline"); // set title for the stage

double points[] = { 20.0d, 20.0d, 40.0d, 240.0d, 60.0d,

                          180.0d, 80.0d, 200.0d, 100.0d, 90.0d }; // points

Polyline polyline = new Polyline(points);   // create a polyline

Group group = new Group(polyline); // create a Group

Scene scene = new Scene(group, 500, 300); // create a scene

stage.setScene(scene); // set the scene;


public static void main(String args[])


launch(args); // launch the application




import javafx.application.Application;

import javafx.scene.Scene;

import javafx.scene.control.Button;

import javafx.scene.layout.*;

import javafx.scene.paint.Color;

import javafx.scene.shape.Polyline;

import javafx.scene.control.*;

import javafx.stage.Stage;

import javafx.scene.Group;

public class Polyline_1 extends Application


public void start(Stage stage)   // launch the application


stage.setTitle("creating Polyline");   // set title for the stage

double points[] = { 20.0d, 20.0d, 40.0d, 240.0d, 60.0d,

180.0d, 80.0d, 200.0d, 100.0d, 90.0d, 20.0d, 20.0d };     // points

Polyline polyline = new Polyline(points); // create a polyline

Group group = new Group(polyline);         // create a Group

Scene scene = new Scene(group, 500, 300);         // create a scene

stage.setScene(scene); // set the scene;


public static void main(String args[])


launch(args); // launch the application



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