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Simulation: Duplox Copiers Canada Limited Section D (4-5 pages rationale plus compensable factor definitions plus summary...

Simulation: Duplox Copiers Canada Limited

Section D (4-5 pages rationale plus compensable factor definitions plus summary rating chart plus hierarchy of jobs):

Describe the compensable factors you have selected, the factor definitions you have developed, the factor scales you are using, and the factor weights you are applying, along with your rationale. Group subfactors under the 4 compensable factors, so it is clear which overall factor each subfactor relates to. Outcomes of this section are summary rating chart (see figure 8.1 on page 279), and the results of applying the JE system to each of the jobs being evaluated, so that there is a point total for each job (see figure 8.2 on page 280). This hierarchy should be presented from highest to lowest total points.

Reference: Chapters 7 - 8

Section E (2 pages rationale plus skill grid):

Describe your pay for knowledge plan, including the skill blocks you have chosen, in the form of a skill grid similar to that in Table 4.1 on page 122. Please address issues in developing a skill based pay system (p. 121 – 126). You do NOT need to price the skill blocks.

Reference: Chapter 4


Expert Solution

Factor: Education

Degree 1:Completion of elementary school.

Degree 2:Completion of high school.

Degree 3:Two years of postsecondary education.

Degree 4:University bachelor’s degree in commerce or business administration including a professional designation.

Degree 5:University bachelor’s degree in engineering plus specialization in electronic products.

Degree 6:University master’s degree including a professional designation.

Factor: Experience

Degree 1:No experience to minor experience required.

Degree 2:Minimum one year related experience.

Degree 3:Minimum two year related experience.

Degree 4:Minimum three year related experience.

Degree 5:Minimum five year related experience.

Degree 6:Minimum ten year related experience.

Factor:Mental Skill

This factor measures the level of mental skill in which Duplox Copiers Canada employees must possess.

Degree 1: Basic reading, writing, and verbal communication as well as basic mathematics.

Degree 2:Knowledgeable on basic computer and administrative software.

Degree 3: Thorough understanding of complex data and computing operating systems.

Degree 4: Able to apply applicable hard and soft skills (problem solving, critical thinking, organization and data analysis.)

Degree 5: Advanced numeracy skills used in conjunction with special application of engineering related foundations.

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