
In: Computer Science

Using Matlab Write a function, called digits_function that is able to calculate the number of digits...

Using Matlab

  1. Write a function, called digits_function that is able to calculate the number of digits and the multiplication of the digits. The input of this function is N (entered number) and the outputs are number_digits and sum_digits.


Expert Solution


function digits_function(n) % function definition

num = n; % store the value n in num

number_digits = 0; % Assign count to 0
sum_digits = 0; % Assign sum_digits to 0
mul_digits = 1; % Assign mul_digits to 1

while (n > 0) % Loop to check n>0
sum_digits += mod(n,10); % Calculate sum of digits
mul_digits *= mod(n,10); % Calculate mutiplication of digits
n = fix(n / 10); % perform integer division
number_digits++; % increment countnumbe_digits by 1

fprintf("Number of digits in %d is %d\n",num,number_digits);
% print the number and number of digits

fprintf("Sum of digits in %d is %d\n",num,sum_digits)
% print the sum of digits

fprintf("Multiplcation of digits in %d is %d\n",num,mul_digits)
% print the multiplication of digits

fprintf("\n"); % print new line


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