In: Civil Engineering
A low-rise is being planned and your company provided the most advantageous bid to the owner, as a contractor in the design build partnership you have been tasked to begin working with the design team on all electrical components of the structure. Develop a list of all of the required electrical systems in the structure, assume this is a high hazard structure. Include in your check list any items that would require long lead times, special considerations (location, etc.), and any possible input from the owner, the list needs to be extensive in nature such that the design team can begin concept design from your list.
The design data required for feasibility designs is-
The following items should be considered in preparing the above data:
(a) Need for replacement of any existing major power equipment due to age or deterioration (generator winding and core, power transformers, power circuit breakers, switchgear, station service equipment, etc.).
(b) Changes in operation of the plant, such as from base load to peaking load operation; changes in upstream or downstream storage; and changes in irrigation demands.
(c) Environmental and recreational impacts resulting from changes in water release through the plant. Identify proposed mitigation measures if appropriate.
(d) Recommendation/need or to replace existing rotating exciter/voltage regulator with static excitation system.
(e) Recommendation/need to replace existing mechanical governor with a digital system.
The following is a list of data requirements for specifications designs, in addition to data requested for feasibility designs.
(1)Names, telephone numbers, Web sites, and email addresses of electrical power suppliers and contacts within those organizations.
(2) Source and voltage of incoming power including construction power.
(3) Location of point where connection to power supply will be made.
(4) Estimated electrical peak load.
(5) State and local code requirements.
(6) System voltage at which power will be supplied, number of phases, and whether service will be overhead or underground.
(7) Dates when power will be available.
(8) Latest as-built drawings for existing power equipment, controls, protection, and indication/annunciation circuitry.