In: Psychology
Provide an example/senario using the following steps:
REBT counters these irrational beliefs with a series of steps dubbed the ABCDE approach:
A: an activating external or internal event.
B: your beliefs about the world around you.
C: the consequences of how your beliefs interpret events. Irrational or distorted beliefs lead to negative consequences and feelings.
D: disputing irrational beliefs to avoid their negative impact.
E: the effects of challenging irrational beliefs, such as lowering stress, overcoming self-blame, and feeling less anger, guilt, and frustration.
ABC is the analysis of the problem and related cognition-
A- an activating external or internal event
->I failed in the test of Mathematics
B- your beliefs about the world around you
->I am not good at it, I never get good marks in mathematics, I am a failure
C- the consequences of how your beliefs interpret events. Irrational or distorted beliefs lead to negative consequences and feelings
->I know now people think I am useless and Now I avoid classes of mathematics and avoid an encounter with the teacher of mathematics
Once the ABCs are discovered and explored, the intervention (DE) begins-
D- disputing irrational beliefs to avoid their negative impact
->Asking questions such as why must you perfect in this subject?, What is the proof that people think you are useless?
E- the effects of challenging irrational beliefs, such as lowering stress, overcoming self-blame, and feeling less anger, guilt, and frustration
->Answering irrational questions such as I will succeed if I try, there is no reason to avoid classes and teachers of mathematics.