
In: Economics

Can there be effective international cooperation against climate change? Answer in 1000 words.

Can there be effective international cooperation against climate change? Answer in 1000 words.


Expert Solution

Climate change is an issue which is affecting most of the countries and it's not related to a single country. Even if a single country violates the basic policy it can affect many of the countries, so in the interest of global sustenance international cooperation against climate change can be done.
Few of the points mentioned below that should be kept in mind or should be followed by all the nations then it can be easily done:

  • Mutual agreement to follow this without fail : Countries should mutually agree to set of rules that they will be following without fail to solve climate change problem, which may include decreasing pollution, decreasing green house gases, carbon free production etc.
  • Understanding it's the benefit for everyone : Everyone should understand the criticality of the issue and benefit that human race will get by preserving the climate. One should be aware of the side effects as well which can be caused if climate change is not controlled.
  • Future generations should not be impacted by it so it needs to be done : Future generation should be too much impacted by climate change, so it is our responsibility to preserve it as much as we can.
  • There should be a common committee which should foresee this : One common committee should be setup for this which will foresee that each member nation is following the pledge that they have taken.
  • Independent Committee should penalize the country who are not following this : Independent Committee should penalize the member nation which is not following the guidelines set by the committee which was agreed upon by all the member nations.
  • It should be the responsibility of the member country to make this follow to their industries : It will be the responsibility of the member nation to make it followed in their countries and various industries within it.
  • Global cooperation is the only option we have against this : Global coorpeartion is the onlky way to go forward, single nation cannot do this alone. same should be realized by all the nations and they should follow all fuidelines without fail.

(plz give me a thums up...if my answer helped you and if any suggestion plz comment, Yr thums up boost me)

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