
In: Computer Science

C++ bool exists_trio(int*,int); (it must use this line here) I was not sure how to utilize...


bool exists_trio(int*,int); (it must use this line here) I was not sure how to utilize this line because I made code that works but not with this line specifically.

   //an integer array (param 1) and its size (param 2)

   //True or false

   //Returns true is there exists
   //a sequence of 3 *consecutive* values in the array
   //such that the sum of the first two elements
   //is equal to the third element in that
   //sequence, false otherwise.

   //For the array {3,4,1,3,17,3,20,21,5,96},
   //the function returns true because of the
   // sequence {17,3,20} (i.e., 17+3=20).

   //For the array {3,4,1,3,3,7},
   //the function returns false.


Expert Solution

using namespace std;
bool exists_trio(int*,int);
int main(){
        int arr1[]= {3,4,1,3,17,3,20,21,5,96};
        int n1=10;
        int arr2[]= {3,4,1,3,3,7};
        int n2=6;
bool exists_trio(int *arr,int n){
        for(int i=0;i<n-2;i++)
                        return 1;
        return 0;



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