If p(z) is a polynomial of degree n and that if α is a root of...
If p(z) is a polynomial of degree n and that if α is a root of
p(z) = 0, then p(z) factors as p(z) = (z−α)q(z) where q(z) has
degree (n − 1). Use this and induction to show that a polynomial of
degree n has at most n roots.
Let P(x) be a polynomial of degree n
and A = [an , an-1,.... ]
Write a function integral(A, X1, X2) that takes 3 inputs A, X0
and X1
A as stated above
X1 and X2 be any real number, where X1 is the lower limit of the
integral and X2 is the upper limit of the integral. Please write
this code in Python.
Let P(x) be a polynomial of degree n
and A = [an , an-1,.... ]
Write a function integral(A, X1, X2) that takes 3 inputs A, X0
and X1
A as stated above
X1 and X2 be any real number, where X1 is the lower limit of the
integral and X2 is the upper limit of the integral. Please write
this code in Python.
DONT use any inbuilt function, instead use looping in Python to
solve the question. You should...
Prove that if p is a polynomial with degree n and k is a real
number so that p(k) = 0,
then p(x)=(x-k)q(x) where q is a polynomial of degree n-1. Must
use the fact that
a^n-b^n=(a-b)(a^(n-1) + a^(n-2)*b + ... + ab^(n-2) +
complex number z is said to be algebraic if its root of a
polynomial that has inteher coefficients. Let A be the collection
of algebraic numbers. Show that A is countable.
1. T distribution with n degree of freedom is T=z/squart root
(x/n) does that mean n-1 degree of freedom will be
T=z/squart root (x/n-1) ?
2. what is the degrees of freedom. ????? please give me some
follow the comments please.
Problem: Prove that every polynomial having real coefficients and odd degree has a real root
This is a problem from a chapter 5.4 'applications of connectedness' in a book 'Principles of Topology(by Croom)'
So you should prove by using the connectedness concept in Topology, maybe.
Polynomial Multiplication by Divide-&-Conquer
A degree n-1 polynomial ? (?) =Σ(n-1)(i=0) ???i = ?0
+ ?1? + ?2?2 ... + ??−1?n-1 can be
represented by an array ?[0. . ? − 1] of its n coefficients.
Suppose P(x) and Q(x) are two polynomials of degree n-1, each given
by its coefficient array representation. Their product P(x)Q(x) is
a polynomial of degree 2(n-1), and hence can be represented by its
coefficient array of length 2n-1. The polynomial multiplication
problem is to...
Given: Polynomial P(x) of degree 6
Given: x=3 is a zero for the Polynomial above
List all combinations of real and complex zeros, but do not
consider multiplicity for the zeros.
x0< x1< x2. Show that there is a unique polynomial P(x) of
degree at most 3 such that
P(xj) =f(xj) j= 0,1,2, and P′(x1) =f′(x1) Give an explicit
formula for P(x).
maybe this is a Hint using the Hermit Polynomial:
P(x) = a0 +a1(x-x0)+a2(x-x0)^2+a3(x-x0)^2(x-x1)