In: Computer Science
You have been given a very simple program that performs basic operations (addition, subtraction, editing) on two randomly generated integer vectors. All functionality has been included in main, causing code segments to be repeated as well as diminishing the readability.
Rewrite the program by grouping calculations and related operations into functions. In particular, your program should include the following functions.
As you introduce each function, replace the code in main() by the appropriate function call. Also, keep in mind that for some functions, any changes that occur within the function body must also be visible in main. Finally, some functions can be called within other functions.
Remember that this program was already working. You should not alter the code, you just need to restructure it.
By the end of this assignment, the program’s structure and functionality will be more transparent, making it both easier and faster to understand.
Here is the code I need altered:
#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <stdlib.h> #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { int v_size = 0; //variable for the size of the arrays, its the same for both so that we can do addition and subtraction int v_id = 0; //use it to determine which vector to operate on, used for average computation int ceiling = 0; //when generating random numbers to place in vector, this constraints the maximum number attainable by the random number generator int action = 0; //determine which course of action the program will take double avg = 0.0; GetSize: cout<<"Enter size for vectors: "; cin>>v_size; if( == true) { system("CLS"); cout<<"Invalid Input. Please Re-enter vector size: "; cin.clear(); cin.ignore(10000, '\n'); goto GetSize; } GetCeiling: cout<<"Enter Maximum Random Number for Vector: "; cin>>ceiling; if( == true) { system("CLS"); cout<<"Invalid Input. Please Re-enter Maximum Random Number: "; cin.clear(); cin.ignore(10000, '\n'); goto GetCeiling; } int v1[v_size]; int v2[v_size]; int result[v_size]; int run_sum =0; //randomly initialize the vectors srand (time(NULL)); //seed for(int i=0; i<v_size; i++) { v1[i]=rand() % ceiling; v2[i]=rand() % ceiling; cout<<setw(5)<<v1[i]<<setw(5)<<v2[i]<<endl; } GetAction: cout<<"Enter Action: vector addition(0), vector subtraction(1), average(2), edit(3), print vectors(4), clear screen(5), exit(-1): "; cin>>action; //system("CLS"); if( == true || action<-1 || action>5) { system("CLS"); cout<<"Invalid Input. Please Re-enter Desired Action: "; cin.clear(); cin.ignore(10000, '\n'); goto GetAction; } if(action == -1) goto end; if(action == 0) { for(int i=0; i<v_size; i++) { result[i]=v1[i]+v2[i]; cout<<result[i]<<endl; } } else if(action == 1) for(int i=0; i<v_size; i++) { result[i]=v1[i]-v2[i]; cout<<result[i]<<endl; } else if(action == 2) { getVector: cout<<"Average of Vector 1, or Vector 2 (Enter 1 or 2)? "<<endl; cin>>v_id; if( == true || (v_id!=1 && v_id!=2)) { system("CLS"); cout<<"Invalid Input. Please Re-enter Vector Selection(1 or 2): "; cin.clear(); cin.ignore(10000, '\n'); goto getVector; } if(v_id == 1 ) for(int i=0; i<v_size; i++) run_sum += v1[i]; else if(v_id == 2) for(int i=0; i<v_size; i++) run_sum += v2[i]; avg = (double)run_sum/(double)v_size; cout<<"Average: "<<avg<<endl; run_sum = 0; //reset } else if(action == 3) { int index; GetVector: cout<<"Which Vector would you like to edit? (Enter 1 or 2): "; cin>>v_id; if( == true || (v_id!=1 && v_id!=2)) { system("CLS"); cout<<"Invalid Input. Please Re-enter Vector Selection(1 or 2): "; cin.clear(); cin.ignore(10000, '\n'); goto GetVector; } GetIndex: cout<<"Select Index to be Updated: "<<endl; cin>>index; if( == true || index<0 || index>(v_size+1)) { system("CLS"); cout<<"Invalid Input. Please Re-enter index to be updated: "; cin.clear(); cin.ignore(10000, '\n'); goto GetIndex; } cout<<"Enter updated value: "; if(v_id == 1) { cin>>v1[index]; for(int i=0; i< v_size; i++) cout<<v1[i]<<endl; } else if(v_id == 2) { cin>>v2[index]; for(int i=0; i< v_size; i++) cout<<v2[i]<<endl; } } if(action == 4) for(int i=0; i<v_size; i++) cout<<setw(5)<<v1[i]<<setw(5)<<v2[i]<<endl; if(action == 5) system("CLS"); goto GetAction; end: return 0; }
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int v_size = 0; //variable for the size of the arrays, its the same
for both so that we can do addition and subtraction
int v_id = 0; //use it to determine which vector to operate on,
used for average computation
int ceiling = 0; //when generating random numbers to place in
vector, this constraints the maximum number attainable by the
random number generator
int action = 0; //determine which course of action the program will
double avg = 0.0;
void InvalidInput(){
cout<<"Invalid Input. Please Re-enter vector size: ";
cin.ignore(10000, '\n');
void printVector(int v[], int size){
for(int i=0; i< size; i++)
void printVectorSidebySide(int v1[],int v2[],int size){
for(int i=0; i<size; i++)
void InitializeVectors(int v1[],int v2[],int size){
cout<<"Enter Maximum Random Number for Vector: ";
if( == true)
goto GetCeiling;
//randomly initialize the vectors
srand (time(NULL)); //seed
for(int i=0; i<v_size; i++)
v1[i]=rand() % ceiling;
v2[i]=rand() % ceiling;
void EditVector(int v1[],int v2[],int size){
int index;
cout<<"Which Vector would you like to edit? (Enter 1 or 2):
if( == true || (v_id!=1 && v_id!=2))
goto GetVector;
cout<<"Select Index to be Updated: "<<endl;
if( == true || index<0 || index>(v_size+1))
goto GetIndex;
cout<<"Enter updated value: ";
if(v_id == 1)
else if(v_id == 2)
double CalculateAverage(int v[],int size){
int run_sum =0;
double average;
for(int i=0; i<size; i++)
run_sum += v[i];
average = (double)run_sum/(double)size;
return average;
int main()
cout<<"Enter size for vectors: ";
if( == true)
goto GetSize;
int v1[v_size];
int v2[v_size];
int result[v_size];
cout<<"Enter Action: vector addition(0), vector
subtraction(1), average(2), edit(3), print vectors(4), clear
screen(5), exit(-1): ";
if( == true || action<-1 || action>5)
goto GetAction;
if(action == -1)
goto end;
if(action == 0)
for(int i=0; i<v_size; i++)
else if(action == 1)
for(int i=0; i<v_size; i++)
else if(action == 2)
cout<<"Average of Vector 1, or Vector 2 (Enter 1 or 2)?
if( == true || (v_id!=1 && v_id!=2))
goto getVector;
if(v_id == 1 )
avg = CalculateAverage(v1,v_size);
else if(v_id == 2)
avg = CalculateAverage(v2,v_size);
// avg = (double)run_sum/(double)v_size;
cout<<"Average: "<<avg<<endl;
// run_sum = 0; //reset
else if(action == 3)
if(action == 4)
if(action == 5)
goto GetAction;
return 0;