
In: Computer Science

Java program In the main(), create and load a 2-dimentional array to hold the following sales...

Java program

In the main(), create and load a 2-dimentional array to hold the following sales data

Number of Tacos Sold (hard code the data into the array when you create it)

Truck3 Truck4 .    Truck5

Monday 250 334 229

Wednesday   390 145 298

Friday .    434 285 . 156

• Write a method to calculate the grand total of all Tacos sold

Write a method to allow the user to enter a truck number and get the total sales for that truck

Write a method to allow the user to enter a Day and get the total sales for that day.

Invoke all of the methods from the main

Validate all entries the user makes

Comment your code

write the grand total to a .txt file


Expert Solution

If you have any problem with the code feel free to comment.


import java.util.Scanner;

public class Test {
   public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
       Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
       //hardcoded 2d array
       int[][] tacosSold = { { 250, 334, 229 }, { 390, 145, 298 }, { 434, 285, 156 } };
       String str;
       //taking input and pasing it o the methods
       System.out.print("Enter Truck number: ");
       str = sc.nextLine();
       truckTotalSales(tacosSold, str);
       System.out.print("Enter Day: ");
       str = sc.nextLine();
       dayTotalSales(tacosSold, str);

   private static void grandTotal(int[][] tacosSold) throws IOException {
       int sum =0;
       for(int i=0; i<tacosSold.length; i++) {
           for(int j=0; j<tacosSold.length; j++) {
               sum+=tacosSold[i][j];//calculating grad total
       System.out.println("Grand total: $"+sum);
       //change the name of the file and path accordingly
       BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("output.txt"));
       bw.write("Grand total: $"+sum);

   private static void truckTotalSales(int[][] tacosSold, String truckNumber) {
       int sum =0;
       int index = 0;
       //indetifying the index
           index = 0;
           index = 1;
           index = 2;
       for(int i=0; i<tacosSold.length; i++) {
           sum+=tacosSold[i][index];//calculating track number total
       System.out.println("Total sales for "+truckNumber+": $"+sum);
   private static void dayTotalSales(int[][] tacosSold, String day) {
       int sum =0;
       int index = 0;
       //indentifying index
           index = 0;
           index = 1;
           index = 2;
       for(int i=0; i<tacosSold.length; i++) {
           sum+=tacosSold[index][i];//calculating day total
       System.out.println("Total sales for "+day+": $"+sum);


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