
In: Civil Engineering

4. Which chemical bond is involved in each of the following? Explain your answer. Justify each...

4. Which chemical bond is involved in each of the following? Explain your answer. Justify
each answer with a reason.                                                                                                            []
a. Copper
b. Salt (Nacl).
c. Plastic cup.

* Please answer in clear and readable writing or by typing. The solution is with all the right steps.


Expert Solution

A. Copper-

Copper is a metal. So, Metallic bond occurs among atoms of copper.

When metallic bond forms into copper, the electrons of s and p block get delocalize. These free electrons can flow anywhere inside the metal copper. Due to the availability of ocean of these free electrons Copper (Or any metal) is a good conductor of electricity.

B. Salt (NaCl)

Ionic Bond is present in NaCl.

Sodium (Na) is a metal with atomic number 11. Electronic configuration for Na is 2, 8, 1. Here we can see that outermost orbit has 1 electron. If sodium losses this electron, it will have 2, 8 configurations. It means by losing 1 electron sodium will get a stable configuration ( Since its outermost orbit will have now 8 electrons which is equal to maximum capacity).

Chlorine (Cl) is a non-metal with atomic number 17 &  electronic configuration 2, 8, 7. Here if Chlorine gets 1 electron, its outermost orbit will get stable.

So, when these two elements meet, Sodium donates its one extra electron to chlorine. This way, Sodium forms a positive ion (Na+) and chlorine form a negative ion (Cl-). These oppositely charged ions form a bond, Which is Ionic Bond).

Since there are no free electrons so dry salt (Molecules of Nacl) do not conduct electricity.

C. Plastic Cup-

The covalent bond is present between the atoms of plastic. Carbon atoms are the main component of plastic. But other elements like Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Chlorine, sulphur etc are also present in the plastic.

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