
In: Operations Management

High uncertainty avoidance suggests need for job security, low uncertainty suggests motivation by risky opportunities. High...

High uncertainty avoidance suggests need for job security, low uncertainty suggests motivation by risky opportunities. High power distance suggests motivators in boss-subordinate relationship, low power distance suggests motivation by teamwork and peers. Individualism suggests motivation from opportunities for individual advancement and autonomy, collectivism suggests appeals to group goals and support and masculinity suggests people are more comfortable with traditional division of work, femininity suggests looser boundaries, flexible roles. Mexico’s emphasis on family means that loyalty and commitment to family and friends often underlies personnel decisions. This emphasis has many implications for structuring motivational initiatives. For instance, turnover and absenteeism can be very high, with “family reasons” being most commonly cited for absenteeism and for failing to return to work. For Mexican males, the value of work lies primarily in its ability to fulfill culturally imposed responsibilities as head of household and breadwinner rather than to seek individual achievement. Paternalism is expected, and bosses are often viewed as father figures whose role is to take care of workers. Likewise, employees expect managers to be authoritative. If not told to do something, the workers will not do it, nor will they question the boss or make any decisions for the boss. Many Mexican factory workers doubt their ability to personally influence the outcome of their lives. They attribute events to the will of God, luck, timing, or relationships with higher authority figures. Corrective discipline and motivation must occur through training examples, cooperation, and, if necessary, subtle shaming. It is a mistake to directly insult a Mexican. Thus, one must appeal to the pride of Mexican employees and avoid causing them to feel humiliated. Given that “getting ahead” is often associated with outside forces, motivation and reward systems become difficult to structure. For the most part, motivation through participative decision making is not as effective as motivation through more autocratic methods. Mexican workers expect authority will not be abused but rather will follow the family model in which everyone works together in a dignified manner according to their designated roles. Any event that breaks this harmony or seems to confront authority, will likely be covered up. For example, a supervisor may hide defective work. Maslow’s higher-order needs (self-actualization, achievement, status) are not high on many Mexican’s lists of needs because of a context of continuing economic problems and a relatively low standard of living. Additionally, economic reforms and the peso devaluation make money a key motivational factor. Fringe benefits also are important. Benefits that help to manage family-related issues are positive motivators for people to at least show up at work. Thus, companies often provide on-site health care facilities for workers and their families, nurseries, free meals, and even small loans in crisis situations. Company buses may be provided to minimize absenteeism and tardiness.

please design a suitable organizational reward system for workers in a manufacturing plant in Mexico


Expert Solution

Answer: Here, let us understand what an employee recognition means and how to formulate a universal applicable reward system for a manufacturing plant in Mexico.


Worker acknowledgment has for quite some time been a foundation of viable administration. In any case, today, as the opposition for ability raises, how associations esteem their representatives has gotten more significant than any other time in recent memory.

The individuals who work for human administration associations regularly do as such to positively affect others' lives. Notwithstanding a reward or increase in salary, consider making a prizes framework that perceives solid worker execution and accomplishment through acknowledgment and recognition. Make a domain that hails the individuals who continually perform at their best every day to help the individuals in the network.

When you have a successful framework set up for estimating and assessing representative execution, you have to appropriately compensate the workers who reliably perform well.

Human Resource part in Mexico:

The work is modest—remuneration's an easy task. Nepotism is wild—selecting's a bad dream. Laborers are unmotivated—preparing takes until the end of time. What's more, the tales keep, turning on themselves, repudiating until it appears that HR issues in Mexico are dispersed areas of a riddle that may never fully fit.

One of the main HR concerns emerging when an organization opens activities in Mexico will staff. Enrolling for the low-wage laborers is generally straightforward because these laborers comprise most of the work pool.

Positively, there are methods for pulling inability: remuneration, benefits, great notoriety. Be that as it may, enrollment in Mexico is additionally entrapped by its extraordinary accentuation on systems administration. In truth, the "modest" work isn't as modest the same number of have been persuaded. For a certain something, the numbers are not demonstrative of genuine compensation. Under Mexican work law, representatives' compensation is figured to incorporate remuneration for occasions and ends of the week, so the idea of per-hour pay is one that doesn't decipher. Thus, straight examinations between time-based compensation in the United States and Mexico can downplay Mexican wages by 40%.

Designing a Reward System:

1. Execution Based Incentives

You can upgrade your workers' inspiration is by characterizing their errands and appending pay based motivators to a specific degree of execution. Among shifted kinds of execution based impetus plans, yearly reward remuneration is genuinely normal. Numerous associations work such a program for their representatives, especially mid-level administration workers, where representatives get a level of their yearly compensations as a little something extra.

Contingent upon singular conditions, your presentation prizes can incorporate at least one of the accompanying:

  • Pay
  • Benefits and perks
  • Acknowledgment
  • Appreciation

Prizes ought to be scaled to the achievements and reliably applied over the organization. You wouldn't give somebody a 10% raise only for appearing on schedule.

2. Worker Recognition and Awards

You additionally can utilize nonmonetary compensations to rouse representatives. For instance, worker acknowledgment satisfies the mental needs and wants of representatives. Plans, for example, "deal individual of the month" or "worker of the year" declarations help support resolve as you perceived the representative for his remarkable endeavors. Grateful input from bosses and chiefs additionally fill in as worker acknowledgment and assists with boosting resolve.

Remunerating unmistakable outcomes, similar to deals objectives or client maintenances, is generally direct and something that top entertainers take a stab at. Anyway, acknowledgment compensations for little social changes, for example, being on schedule, working together in a group, or limiting mix-ups, can urge normal entertainers to improve.

3. Money recompenses certainly assume a significant job in pay in Mexico. Representatives get them as a major aspect of their all-out remuneration bundle notwithstanding base compensation. Some are legally necessary, many are standard. Those legally necessary are:

  • Christmas Bonus: Fifteen days' compensation to all representatives with one year or a greater amount of administration. Most of the businesses, in any case, give a month of pay
  • Get-away Premium: An extra 25% of pay is the necessary least. Most bosses give 80%, in spite of the fact that on the outskirt it's entirely expected to see just the base gave
  • Benefit Sharing: Most organizations (new tasks are some of the time absolved) must disseminate 10% of their pretax benefits every year among all representatives, barring the CEO.

Notwithstanding these legal money installments, numerous other compensation rehearses are regular to the point that they've gotten essential to a serious pay bundle.


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