
In: Chemistry

550.0 gallons of 15.0 M nitric acid were added to a lake. The initial pH of...

550.0 gallons of 15.0 M nitric acid were added to a lake. The initial pH of the lake was 5.70 and the final pH was 4.50 . If none of the acid was consumed in chemical reactions, determine the volume of the lake.


Expert Solution

Your question is wrong: Below is the explanation

So why the question is wrong and answer Is coming negative.

Because in question it is saying that hno3 is not reacting, it means adding it tothe lake will merely increase the Volume of lake and hence decreasing in hydrogen concentration, finally increase of pH must be the result....but in the question pH is lowered from 5.70 to 4.50, that is not possible until the NH3 will react.

pls repost the question by rechecking for what is being given, either pH must increase from 4.50 to 5.70 or NH3 must react...

hope it helps...pls do upvote

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