
In: Computer Science

You've been hired by Avuncular Addresses to write a C++ console application that analyzes and checks...

You've been hired by Avuncular Addresses to write a C++ console application that analyzes and checks a postal address. Prompt for and get from the user an address. Use function getline so that the address can contain spaces. Loop through the address and count the following types of characters:

        ● Digits (0-9)

        ● Alphabetic (A-Z, a-z)

        ● Other

Use function length to control the loop. Use functions isdigit and isalpha to determine the character types. Use formatted output manipulators (setw, left/right) to print the following rows:

        ● Address

        ● String length

        ● Number of digits

        ● Number of alphas

        ● Number of other characters

And two columns:

        ● A left-justified label.

        ● A right-justified value.

Then test the number of digits and number of alphas. If digits is less than two or alphas is less than three, print an invalid address message. Otherwise, print a valid address message. Define constants for the minimum number of digits and alphas, and the column widths. The output should look like this for invalid and valid input:

Welcome to Avuncular Addresses


Enter an address: 1 West Liberty St

Address:     1 West Liberty St

Length:                     16

Digits:                      1

Alphas:                     12

Other:                       3

Address is invalid!

End of Avuncular Addresses

Welcome to Avuncular Addresses


Enter an address: 110 Main St

Address:           110 Main St

Length:                     11

Digits:                      3

Alphas:                      6

Other:                       2

Address is valid!

End of Avuncular Addresses


Expert Solution



using namespace std;
int main()
   string address;
   int num=0,i,alpha=0,other=0;/*Declaring variables*/
   cout<<"Welcome to Avuncular Addresses"<<endl;
   cout<<"Enter an address:";
   getline(cin,address);/*Reading input from the user*/
   cout<<"Address:"<<setw(15)<<address<<endl;/*Printing the address*/
   cout<<"Length: \t"<<address.length()<<endl;/*Length of the address*/
       {/*If digit increse the coutn of num*/
       else if(isalpha(address[i]))
       {/*If alphabet increase the cout of alpha*/
       {/*Else increase other*/
   cout<<"Digits: \t"<<num<<endl;
   cout<<"Alphas: \t"<<alpha<<endl;
   cout<<"Others: \t"<<other<<endl;   /*Printing the digits alphabets and others*/
   if(num<2 || alpha<3)
   {/*If digit is less than 2 or alpha is less than 3*/
       cout<<"Address is invalid!"<<endl;
       cout<<"Address is valid!"<<endl;
   cout<<"End of Avuncular Addresses"<<endl;



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