
In: Computer Science

In Java Write a program that allows Professor Poindexter to get class averages including the average...

In Java
Write a program that allows Professor Poindexter to get class averages including the average for allher/his classes. Professor Poindexter has M classes. M will be input from the terminal. For each class he/she will input each student’s grade for that class until 0 is input. Once the goof prof inputs 0, The class average for that class is output in the form:

  Average for Class X 1 is XXX.XX

Finally, once all the M class data is input, the final message will be output:

The Average for All of Professor Poindexter’s M classes is XX.XX

Here is the data you will use for your run:

How many classes does Professor Poindexter Have?


Input a student grade for class 1:





The Average for Class 1 is XX.XX

Input the grades for class 2:






The Average for Class 2 is XX.XX

The Average for All of Professor Poindexter’s M classes is XX.XX


Expert Solution

import java.util.*;

public class Main
        public static void main(String[] args)
            //initializing scanner 
            Scanner sc=new Scanner(;
            int M,i,j,totalStudents;
            double marks,classMarks,totalMarks,classAverage;
            //taking input for number of batches
            System.out.println("How many classes does Professor Poindexter Have?");
            for(i=1 ; i<=M ; i++)
                System.out.println("Input a student grade for class "+i+" :");
                //initializing random inputs for the while loop execution
                //while loop will execute till it gets 0 as input
                    //taking marks input
                    //calculating total marks for each class
                    //counting number of stuents for the class
                //calculating total marks for all students of all classes
                //calculating total students for all students of all classes
                System.out.printf("The Average for Class %d is %.2f\n",i, (classMarks/(j)));
            //calculating average for all class average
            System.out.printf("The Average for All of Professor Poindexter’s M classes is %.2f",classAverage );

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