
In: Computer Science

Give an O(lg n)-time EREW algorithm to perform the prefix computation on an array x[1. ....

Give an O(lg n)-time EREW algorithm to perform the prefix computation on an array x[1. . n]. Do not use pointers, but perform index computations directly.


Expert Solution


It is Exclusive Read Exclusive Write (EREW) algorithm in which every memory cell can be read or written to by only one processor at a time.

A parallel random-access machine (PRAM) is a shared-memory abstract machine. As its name indicates, the PRAM was intended as the parallel-computing analogy to the random-access machine .

PRAM Models:

  1. Exclusive read exclusive write (EREW)—every memory cell can be read or written to by only one processor at a time
  2. Concurrent read exclusive write (CREW)—multiple processors can read a memory cell but only one can write at a time
  3. Exclusive read concurrent write (ERCW)—never considered
  4. Concurrent read concurrent write (CRCW)—multiple processors can read and write. A CRCW PRAM is sometimes called a concurrent random-access machine.

EREW is a PRAM model.

We can perform prefix sum by using EREW algorithm in O(logn) complexity.


Definition (Prefix Problem)

Input: an array A of n elements ai .

Output: All terms a1 × a2 × · · · × ak for k = 1, . . . , n.

× may be any associative operation.

Straightforward serial implementation:

P r e f i x ( A: Array [ 1 . . n ] ) {

/ / in−pla ce computation :

for i from 2 to n do {

A[ i ] := A[ i −1]∗A[ i ] ;


This takes O(logn) time to perform prefix computation by using EREW algorithm.

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