In: Civil Engineering
In our day to day life, lot of waste is being generated out of which some can be reduced,reused,recycled in order to protect the environment. But there is also some waste which is dumped into the seas, landfills,burnt openly,fermented and used for biological digestion and so on.
Keeping in view of the health aspects of people,pollution of the surroundings,proper usage of available lands etc. it is necessary to determine the physical and chemical properties of the waste before taking any steps as mentioned in the first paragraph.
First of all What is waste?
Waste - unwanted or unusable materials.
Properties of waste:
The properties of waste are to be found in order to facilitate the development of waste management systems.
Any property that is observed or measured without change in the composition of the material is known as physical property.
1.Specific Weight (Density):
2. Moisture content:
3.Particle size and distribution:
Sc= L
Sc= (L+w)/2
Sc = (L+w+h)/3
where Sc = size of the component (mm)
L,w,h represents Length (mm), width (mm), height(mm) respectively.
4.Field Capacity:
5.Permeability of Compacted waste:
Any property that results in the change of composition of a material is known as the chemical property.
These properties are essential for energy conservation.
1.Proximity analysis:
Proximity analysis is performed for the determination of waster content, volatile matter, ash content,fixed carbon from the solid waste.
1.Water ( determined from the weight loss when the solid waste is dried at 105o C for 1 hour)
2. Volatile flammable materials (flammable and combustible liquids vapourise and combine with air.generally ignites when there is no oxygen at 950o C.)
3.Ash ( residue weight after the burn in an open crucible.)
4.Fixed Carbon ( 100-(% moisture content + %volatile materials +% ash) )
2.Fusing point of ash:
3.Ultimate analysis:
4.Energy Content:
We know that energy is neither created nor destroyed. It is converted from one form to other.Here, in this context how much of energy is available in the solid waste is determined to convert into useful forms like electricity generation from garbage.
Energy content is determined by the following ways,
Out of these,most of the data for energy content is based on bomb calorimeter values.