
In: Computer Science

JavaScript Task Load three images of colorful fall leaves and using functions with parameters do the...

JavaScript Task

  1. Load three images of colorful fall leaves and using functions with parameters do the following. (Remember you can call the same function multiple times sending the function different values.)
  2. When you move the mouse over the first image, have the second image change to a pumpkin.
  3. When you move the mouse off of the first image, have the second image change back to the original leaves.
  4. When you move the mouse over the second image, have the third image change to a picture of a black cat.
  5. When you move the mouse off of the second image, have the third image change back to the original leaves.
  6. When you move the mouse over the third image, have the first, second and third images change to images of Cocky.
  7. When you move the mouse off of the third image have all three images change to  pictures of – you decide. Your code and images should not be like anyone else’s.
  8. Insert a comment saying what your images are of.


Expert Solution

<html> <!--styling the images side by side-->


        * {

          box-sizing: border-box;


        .column {

          float: left;

          width: 33.33%;

          height: 75%;

          padding: 5px;



        /* Clearfix (clear floats) */

        .row::after {

          content: "";

          clear: both;

          display: table;




<div class="row">

    <div class="column">

        <!--image 1 is leaves images for first image

         image 2 is leaves images for second image

         image 1 is leaves images  for third image

        onmouseover and onmouseout are used for images changing-->

      <img src="1.jpg"  id="1" onmouseover="bigImg1(this)" onmouseout="normalImg1(this)" style="width:100%;height:100%">


    <div class="column">

      <img src="2.jpg" id="2" onmouseover="bigImg2(this)" onmouseout="normalImg2(this)" style="width:100%;height:100%">


    <div class="column">

      <img src="3.jpg"  id="3" onmouseover="bigImg3(this)" onmouseout="normalImg3(this)" style="width:100%;height:100%">



        <!--image pumpkin.jpg is pumpkin images for Second image when mouse is on first image

         image black.jpg is black cat images for third image when mouse is on second image

         image cocky.jpg is cocky images for first,Second image when mouse is on third image

        bigImg all functions called when mouse comes over the pictures

        normalImg all functions called when mouse moves out of the pictures-->


function bigImg1() {



function normalImg1(x) { = "100%"; = "100%";



function bigImg2() {



function normalImg2(x) { = "100%"; = "100%";



function bigImg3() {




function normalImg3(x) { = "100%"; = "100%";








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