
In: Math

First National Bank employs three real estate appraisers whose job is to establish a property’s market...

First National Bank employs three real estate appraisers whose job is to establish a property’s market value before the bank offers a mortgage to a prospective buyer. It is imperative that each appraiser values a property with no bias. Suppose First National Bank wishes to check the consistency of the recent values that its appraisers have established. The bank asked the three appraisers to value (in $1,000s) three different types of homes: a cape, a colonial, and a ranch. The results are shown in the accompanying table. (You may find it useful to reference the q table.)

House Type 1 2 3
Cape 425 415 430
Colonial 530 550 540
Ranch 390 400


If average values differ by house type, use Tukey’s HSD method at the 5% significance level to determine which averages differ. (If the exact value for nTc is not found in the table, use the average of corresponding upper & lower studentized range values. Negative values should be indicated by a minus sign. Round your answers to 2 decimal places.)


Expert Solution

Here in this problem we have to do One factor ANOVA (factor is house type)

Data Table

House type 1 2 3
Cape 425 415 430
Colonial 530 550 540
Ranch 390 400 380


H0 = All the means of house types are equal

H2 = Arleast one mean of house type differ.

ANOVA table (using excel data analysis pack)

Anova: Single Factor
Groups Count Sum Average Variance
Cape 3 1270 423.3333 58.33333
Colonial 3 1620 540 100
Ranch 3 1170 390 100
Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between Groups 37222.22 2 18611.11 216.129 2.57E-06 5.143253
Within Groups (Error) 516.6667 6 86.11111
Total 37738.89 8

From the ANOVA table we can find tha test statistic F is grater than Fcritical Hence we reject null hypothesis and we conclude that there is a significant difference between the mean price of house type.

Tukeys HSD multiple comparision test

Qα=0.05,k=3,ν=6critical = 4.33

Tukey HSD Q-statistic,


are treatment means of huse types

Qi,j>Qcritical for all relevant pairs of treatments result is significant.

Tukey HSD multiple comparison results are as follows

treatments Tukey HSD Tukey HSD Tukey HSD
pair Q statistic p-value inferfence
Cape vs Colonial 21.78 0.001005 p<0.01
Cape vs Ranch 6.22 0.010801 p<0.05
Colonial vs Ranch 28.00 0.001005 p<0.01

from the above results wilth level of significance 0.05 we can conclude that all the pairs are significantly different.

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