
In: Computer Science

Write a C++ program that takes 4 readings of temperature, each reading is between -10 and...

Write a C++ program that takes 4 readings of temperature, each reading is between -10 and 55. The program should: • Computes and print out the average temperature (avgTemp), maximum temperature (maxTemp) and minimum temperature (minTemp) of the day. • The program should also compute and print out the number of temperature readings (numTemp) that exceed 35. • Enforce validation on the user input (using while loop) and use appropriate format for the output. The average temperature should be rounded up the nearest digit.

without using arrays


Expert Solution

 Source code of the program is given below.Detailed comments are included for better understanding the code.Screen shot of the code and output are also attached.If find any difficulty, feel free to ask in comment section. Please do upvote the answer.Thank you.

Source code

//including cmath header file to use round() function
using namespace std;
int main()
   //declaring variables to hold various values
   //assigning maxTemp to minimum possible and minTemp to maximum possible values
   float temp,avgTemp,maxTemp=-10,minTemp=55,total=0;
   int numTemp=0,i;
   //prompt user to enter 4 temperatures
   cout<<"Enter four temperature(in between -10 and 55):"<<endl;
   //initialize i with 1
   //loop executes its body as long as i is less than or equals to 4
       //prompt to enter temperature i
       cout<<"Enter temperature "<<i<<": ";
       //reading the temperature
       //checking the temperature is invalid
           //if input is invalid, print error message and force to do next iteration
           //using continue statement without updating i value to its next
           cout<<"Invalid input!"<<endl;
       //if user input is valid
           //update total by adding temp into it
           //checking if temp is greater than maxTemp
           //if yes,set temp as new maxTemp
           //checking if temp is less than minTemp
               //if yes,set temp as new minTemp
           //checking temp greter than 35
               //if yes,increment numTemp by 1
           //incrementing i by 1
   //calculating average
   //printing results
   //avgTemp is rounded up to nearest digit using round() function
   cout<<"\nAverage Temperature: "<<round(avgTemp)<<endl;
   cout<<"Maximum Temperature: "<<maxTemp<<endl;
   cout<<"Minimum Temperature: "<<minTemp<<endl;
   cout<<"Number of temperature exceeding 35: "<<numTemp;
   return 0;  
Screen shot of the code

Screen shot of the output

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