
In: Biology

On paper, create an animation for all of the major steps in meiosis (listed below) based...

On paper, create an animation for all of the major steps in meiosis (listed below) based on the dihybrid maize cross that you analyzed in lab. For this animation, show two sets of chromosomes:

               (1) A pair of large chromosomes that has the P locus.

               (2) A pair of small chromosomes that has the Su locus.

This animation must be drawn, and cannot incorporate any scanned or otherwise copied images from any other source. It’s fine to use other images or figures as a guide for creating your animation, but you must create your own figures by hand.

Your animations must include the following:

  • Chromosomes must include the respective allele for the P or Su locus. (You must have some indication of which allele is on each chromatid, and this labeling should be included at all stages of meiosis.) Use the same notation that you employed in the maize lab to indicate which allele is carried by each homolog (P or p and Su or su)
  • Each stage of meiosis must be a separate drawing. You must have a drawing for each of the following stages:
    • Interphase stage before DNA replication
    • prophase I
    • metaphase I
    • anaphase I
    • telophase I
    • prophase II
    • metaphase II
    • anaphase II
    • telophase II.
  • For this animation, do not show any crossing over events.  


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