
In: Computer Science

I didn't know , how to write this code // This file is part of

I didn't know , how to write this code

// This file is part of
// and the book "The Elements of Computing Systems"
// by Nisan and Schocken, MIT Press.
// File name: projects/04/Fill.asm

// Runs an infinite loop that listens to the keyboard input.
// When a key is pressed (any key), the program blackens the screen,
// i.e. writes "black" in every pixel;
// the screen should remain fully black as long as the key is pressed.
// When no key is pressed, the program clears the screen, i.e. writes
// "white" in every pixel;
// the screen should remain fully clear as long as no key is pressed.

// Put your code here.


Expert Solution


(INIT)    //initializing i - index that runs on the screen's pixels
        @8192    // 32 * 256 number of 16 bit pixel lines it covers the entire screen
        @i                   //initializing the index variable to 8192, this is the remaining address left to color onscreen

(LOOP)             //progresses the index backwards. 
        D;JLT               //if index<0 - go to INDEX INITIALIZER to reset it
        @KBD                //loads the keyboard's address
        @WHITE                  //if (Memory at keyboard address == 0)it means that no key is pressed - go to WHITE, else go to BLACK

        @SCREEN            //loads the screen's first address - 16384 (0x4000)
        A=D+M              //adds the current index to the screen's first address in order to color the current set of 16 pixels
        M=-1               //sets value in current address to -1, so that the whole word 1...1 (16bits long),  meaning - all 16 pixels will be "painted" black.
        @LOOP              //jumps back to indexer in order to progress the index backwards.

        @SCREEN            //loads the screen's first address - 16384 (0x4000)
        A=D+M              //adds the current index to the screen's first address in order to color the current set of 16 pixels
        M=0                //sets value in current address to 0, so that the whole word will be 0....0 (16bits long), meaning - all 16 pixels will be "painted" white.
        @LOOP           //jumps back to indexer in order to progress the index backwards.

NOTE: There are various ways to solve this question I'm providing you with one detailed steps of it. If in case you face any error please do let me know through comments.

UPVOTE!!!!Please... Thank You!!!

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