In: Computer Science
Why are most network DoS attacks distributed?
Please explain clearly!
Answer = DoS (Denial of Service) attacks are the attacks which are implemented by the attacker to make any website resources free and down. In this attacker sends multiple resource access request to server at same time, which exhaustes all the resources of the server and now server give denial of service error to all users who wants to access resources because all the resources of server are already used by another users which are basically bots.
Any server have a limit to provide resources to users at one time, so attackers send http request to get access of resources. This HTTP request is very complex for server because server needs to apply queries to database for every request and need to send data back to user, and if server needs to do it multiple times at same time, then it freezes the computation of server or make it slow, then server Deny all the services coming,which produces the DoS error.
This DoS attack must be Distributed because if it is from one system, then server found this and block that user. Every server have some rules that one client can request total 4 or 5 times at one time, if one client requests multiple times then server found that it may be DoS attack and server blocks it to make server fast for others, which fails the DoS attack completely. So for a successful DoS attack it must be Distributed, means requests are throwing from multiple systems at same time.