
In: Accounting

Today's buyers allot an ample amount of time for purchases, and most of them are keen...

Today's buyers allot an ample amount of time for purchases, and most of them are keen to interact with salespeople.



Sarah is a salesperson who prefers contacting her sales leads before getting any information about them or their companies. Sarah uses _____ as a method of sales prospecting.




company records


cold calling


advertising inquiries


centers of influence

Which of the following technologies is a valuable tool for accumulating and updating prospect information on a regular basis?


A computer-integrated design system


An event ticketing system


An application programming interface


An enterprise resource planning system


A customer relationship management system

Company records can be used for:


acquiring prospecting knowledge before sales presentations.


analyzing and evaluating the results of prospecting activities.


getting referrals from centers of influence.


referring to contact details about the company's potential leads.


contacting the company's previous customers in an attempt to win back business.

FitterYou Inc., a company that manufactures health products, hosts an event at a local hotel to generate potential customers. The company invites approximately 120 prospects to the event through direct mails. At the event, the sales representatives of the company give presentations on the various products offered by the company. In this scenario, FitterYou Inc. is using _____ to generate sales leads.


a seminar


an incentive program


a trade show


cold calling


outbound telemarketing

Who among the following would most likely be a sales lead for a company that manufactures toys?


Brad, a manager in a rival toy manufacturing company


Darren, a salesperson who works in a company that manufactures baby care products


Kristen, who works for an orphanage


Reeva, who is a doctor at a children's hospital


Nina, the mother of a high-school graduate

Salespeople who do not regularly prospect are operating under the assumption that:


buyers are always well informed and do not rely on salespeople for information.


the current business with existing customers will be sufficient to generate revenue even in the future.


buyers prefer talking to the selling firm directly and not its salespeople.


buying behavior does not remain constant.


the prospecting process would require them to prepare and plan sales dialogues.

Which of the following is true of assessment questions?


They are designed to be threatening and intimidating to a customer.


They focus on seeking alternative solutions to existing problems.


They focus on ascertaining the validity of a customer's complaint.


They mainly consist of closed-end questions and are used in the third stage of the ADAPT questioning system.


They are designed to spark conversation that elicits factual information about a customer's current situation.

The types of questions classified by the amount and specificity of information desired and those classified by strategic purpose are mutually exclusive.



Which of the following is a difference between open-end questions and closed-end questions?


Closed-end questions deliver richer and more expansive information than open-end questions.


Open-end questions are directive forms of questioning, whereas closed-end questions are nondirective forms of questioning.


Open-end questions are best used for discovery and exploration, whereas closed-end questions are best used for clarification and confirmation.


Open-end questions limit a customer's response to one or two words, whereas closed-end questions allow a customer to respond freely.


Open-end questions are also known as dichotomous questions, whereas closed-end questions are also known as multiple-choice questions.

Which of the following statements is true of pictures?


They eliminate the possibility of the misinterpretation of a message.


They cannot be used to reinforce verbal messages.


They provide more credibility when combined with abstract words than with concrete expressions.


They are less memorable than their verbal counterparts.


They enhance understanding and are easy to recall.

Which of the following can improve sensing skills in listeners?


Reacting to emotional words


Taking notes


Interrupting the speaker for clarification


Avoiding eye contact


Evaluating a message prior to its completion

A written sales proposal is likely to fail when _____.


customers know the selling companies


the material in the proposal matches the targeted prospect


it assumes what is important to buyers instead of clarifying it first


it does not require buyers to interpret it


it does not have a poor layout

_____ are referred to as complete self-contained sales presentations on paper, often accompanied by other verbal sales presentations before or after the delivery of these paper presentations.


Formula sales presentations


Canned sales presentations


Unsolicited sales proposals


Written sales proposals


Organized sales presentations

Which of the following is a function of Section 5 of the sales dialogue template?


Linking a prospect's buying motives to specific benefits offered by salespeople


Developing a statement of how a sales offering may add value to a prospect's business by meeting a need


Getting salespeople to determine the objectives of their respective sales calls


Addressing the critical first few minutes of a sales call


Getting salespeople to identify key competitors and to specify their strengths and weaknesses

Unless all the stages of the ADAPT process are completed, the customer value proposition will not contain enough detail to be useful.




Expert Solution

Today's buyers allot an ample amount of time for purchases, and most of them are keen to interact with salespeople.

Answer) False

Sarah is a salesperson who prefers contacting her sales leads before getting any information about them or their companies. Sarah uses _____ as a method of sales prospecting.

Answer) Networking

Which of the following technologies is a valuable tool for accumulating and updating prospect information on a regular basis?

Answrer) A computer integrated data base

Company records can be used for

Answer) contacting the company's previous customers in an attempt to win back business.

FitterYou Inc., a company that manufactures health products, hosts an event at a local hotel to generate potential customers. The company invites approximately 120 prospects to the event through direct mails. At the event, the sales representatives of the company give presentations on the various products offered by the company. In this scenario, FitterYou Inc. is using _____ to generate sales leads.

Answer) Trade Show

Who among the following would most likely be a sales lead for a company that manufactures toys?

Answer) Brad, a manager in a rival toy manufacturing company

Salespeople who do not regularly prospect are operating under the assumption that:

Answer) buyers are always well informed and do not rely on salespeople for information.

Which of the following is true of assessment questions?

Answer) They focus on seeking alternative solutions to existing problems.

The types of questions classified by the amount and specificity of information desired and those classified by strategic purpose are mutually exclusive.

Answer) False

Which of the following is a difference between open-end questions and closed-end questions?

Answer) Open-end questions are also known as dichotomous questions, whereas closed-end questions are also known as multiple-choice questions.

Which of the following statements is true of pictures?                        

Answer) They enhance understanding and are easy to recall.

Which of the following can improve sensing skills in listeners?

Answer) Avoiding eye contact

A written sales proposal is likely to fail when _____.

Answer) it assumes what is important to buyers instead of clarifying it first

_____ are referred to as complete self-contained sales presentations on paper, often accompanied by other verbal sales presentations before or after the delivery of these paper presentations.

Answer) Organized sales presentations

Which of the following is a function of Section 5 of the sales dialogue template?

Answer) Getting salespeople to identify key competitors and to specify their strengths and weaknesses

Unless all the stages of the ADAPT process are completed, the customer value proposition will not contain enough detail to be useful.

Answer) True

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